The dream

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Jack's POV

After I pulled her out of the cage, she had a look of confusion on her face, like I said, I was taking her to my father's bunker. The gang looked at me confused. I had to think of an excuss very quickly.

"She has powers like mine. I have to take her to a place that she can't escape."

They nodded in agrrement, "but what if she gets you Jack? And what about the ruby?"

I looked at her and she put her head down not wanting to be seen, "I searched her. She didn't have it, second, she wouldn't do that, third, I will just freze her to the seat and conceal her hands."

They nodded unconvinced, but I left before they could say another word dragging Elsa behind me. She was silently crying. I could hear little whimpers and saw a tear fall down her cheek.

"I'm sorry Ice Knife." I told her. Then she looked up at me and nodded, her red eyes destroying her pale face. I pitied her. I decided to put her on my motor bike. If she killed me, I could bring her along for the ride. I froze her to her seat and she willingly let me tie her hands behind her back with ice. I decided this could be unsafe, so I melted her ice and she looked at me with an expresionaless face.

"Put your arms around me." I ordered as I got on the bike.

"Why?" She asked nervously. Not like the Ice Knife that I had heard of and had seen in the interorgation room. This was her real self. Broken? I don't know, but alone, I am sure.

"So you don't fall off." I smiled at her trying to make light out of the convosation. Eventually, after a while of debating with herself whether to obey me or not, she didand I felt her cold breath on my back. I sighed and put a blindfold on her and started to drive. It was a while, but she wanted to talk.

"Jack, why're you doing this? Why not let me rot in prison?" I sighed.

"You're too powerful Ice Knife, you could escape." I lied. Hopefully, she wouldn't notice the doubt in my voice as I said the words. But she was a great theif, she must've been mad not to hear.

"Jack, I know you're lying, please tell me. Why?" I could feel tears running down her face managing to escape the blind fold.

"Because I can't see you locked up." I told her. I couldn't. She was not a monster. She wasnted to help people. I saw her. She never killed and when I had been spying on her when we started the mission, I saw her giving money and food to others. I was wrong about her. But what about them.

I was lost in my thoughts and nearly bumped into a tree. I felt the girl fall, and I stopped the bike straight away.

"Ice Knife? Ice Knife?" She was out cold.

Elsa's POV

I felt a bump and I slid of the bike. Then I remember darkness. But not the blidfold, I was knocked out. Then I had the dream.

The dream.

"Elsa?" An evil voice laughed behind me. I was scared. I ran, but I couldn't move, fire and darkness surrounded me. I tried to extinguish the fire, but I was powerless.

A dark figure came up infront of me, and a red head who seemed familiar grinned.

"Remember me, Elsa?" That's when I did.

"Hans?!?!" My anger was boiling, "YOU ALMOST KILLED MY TEAM, YOU SHOT EVERY SINGLE ONE JUST MISSING THEIR HEARTS!!!!" I tried lunging for him, but the flames circled around me. The flames, the dark presence, it seemed familiar. Then I saw Punzie, Mer and Aurora. All about to be thrown out of a building, into a fire.

"Join us Elsa." Said the dark voice, "or they die." He came out of hiding. He had black hair, grey skin and yellow eyes.

What was I suposed to do? "Can I think about it?" I asked about to cry. There was nothing to do. Even though it was just a dream, I knew these men were real, and they would hurt them.

"Of course. We will return one day. Don't tell anyone of our visit. Not even Jack."

Then I saw the light.

End of dream.

I woke up on a bed with a head ache that hurt like hell. I tried to stand, but I kept wobbling and fell back on the bed. Then I remembered the dream and I cried.

I lost my real family, I couldn't loose them. I pushed my self of the bde and crawled to a corner where I laied down, and continued to cry. Ice covered everything and Jack came in moments later and was beside me instantly.

"What happened?" He asked me with concern. I didn't answer, instead I lept into his chest and cried into his shirt. He hesitated, before deciding to comfort me. I felt his arms around me, and I felt safe. "Please don't leave me alone Jack. Not again. Not again." I kept mumbling not again in whispers while Jack promised.

All I could think about, were yellow eyes, burning into my very soul.

Jack's POV

After she fell off and hit her head, I knew I had to get to the bunker as ast as I could. I held her on my lap and drove carefully and fast. After I got there, I picked her up and gently placed her on the bed. It was only designed for me incase my powers got out of hand, but they never did. But I can't say the same for the girl sleeping in my bedroom. 

Then, I heard crying and I ran straight to the room like my life depended on it. When I reached the room, I saw ice covering everything except for the girl in the corner. I ran over to her and crouched beside her.

"What happened?" I asked thoughtfully.She didn't feel like a prisoner, just someone trying to get back on their feet. I had to look after her. Protect her.

She didn't answer, instead she leaped into my chest and cried once again. I took my time, not wanting to scare her and hugged her back. I needed to help Ice Knife, but she didn't answer me, instead, pleading words, "please don't leave me alone Jack. Not again. Not again." She begged.

"I promise Ice Knife. No one will hurt you." And I meant every word.

But how can I help her. I am an officer, she is a theif, it cannot be.

But I have this feeling in my stomach, I was going to leave her to get some space, but she placed a hand on my shoulder, "Elsa," she said.

"Nice to meet you Elsa." Her name was a beautiful as she wa- wait WHAT!?!?!

"Don't make me regret telling you Jack." She warned me.

I smiled at her and was about to leave once more, until I heard the banging....

A/N Hi guys, nicegirl here, hope you're enjoying the book so far and thank you for reading. I hope you have enjoyed reading and kept you on the edge of your seats. What is the bangning? And what does it mean now that Elsa told Jack. All e's gotta do is tell her the tru- no not telling you. Keep track on the chapters and I promise to update soon.

Nicegirl334455 out.

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