Somebody that she used to know

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Elsa's POV

I was clutching my chest tightly drawing sharp breaths as I felt my heart start to freeze over. I looked at him and saw him staring at me. I fell to the floor only to have him appearing right  beside me.

'I'm sorry Elsa I didn't. ..."

I had tears in my eyes and started to shiver from the cold inside my body. He noticed and came towards me and wrapped his arms around me to give me warmth.

"Believe what you want to Jack, but I have told you the truth whether you want to believe it or not."

I groaned as I tried to get up but I fell right back onto the floor. Jack was soon by my side helping me up.

"How do I un do this?" He asked panicking.

I looked at hom and shook my head. I didn't know. A tear fell down my cheek as the door opened slightly.

"Tell no one." I whispered as the door opened.

Jack's POV

I watched as the door opend to reveal everyone staring at us.

"Jack, did you remember?" My sister asked hopefully.

I shook my head and lowered it in shame. Then I looked at Elsa. She was already up and looked fine except for a small twitch in her eye.

"This doesn't matter now, we need you to go on a mission. Yes only the boys are officers, but you girls can clear your names. But use code names." Manny said.

"You will infiltrate Pitch's lair and capture Hans. Hans is his main many, without him, Pitch is nothing"

Manny said.

"You will leave tomorrow. Work together even if you hate each other. Guardians you stay with me to plan our next attack, protectors and seasons, you go on the mission. Best of luck."

With that we went off to plan.

                        The Next Day

The plan was simple. Shadow Man (Eugene), Autumn Bow (Merida), Ice Knife (Elsa) and I were the strongest, so we would help attack and get Hans.

Computer Hac and Spring Healer were the smartest since Computer Hac knew a lot about Tracking and Spring Healer knew the building

Tracker Prince us tough as is Summer Rose. They will distract Pitch's guards then when distracted, we all attack then the four of us go in.

Elsa's POV

Tracker Prince and Summer Rose started beating down the guard while we were being shown the cameras and security. Hac took them out and Spring Healer was pointing him to cameras.

When most security was down, Winter fun and I went in first with Shadow man and Autumn Bow as back up.

Soon we heard slow clapping and I saw Hans approach us.I blasted him with ice that would only melt with love and he looked at me angrily as he tried to get out of the ice. I gulped as Jack knocked him out and we carried him back to Jack's place.

My only question was that

Why was this so easy?

Jack's POV

We arrived back to my father's bunker with Hans and the others. The Guardians had thrown us a party for our victory in capturing Hans. I smiled and looked over at my team (yes the seasons too) and saw them all smiling except for Elsa.

Stolen Love (Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now