Her past

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Jack's POV

She stood from the chair, but how's that possible? The ropes were so thick no one could break through them. Now here was a girl, breaking them. (Jack's opinion, I am a girl myself.) The thing she did next completly dazzled me. She threw ice daggers at me. It wasn't the aim, or the daggers, but the ice. How? Then she smirked.

"Where did you get a dagger made of ice?" I asked shocked.

"Home made. It is a knife. Fits my name, Ice knife." She replied with a smile.

"You wanna play with powers? Fine." Then I caged her in my own ice. This she could not melt.

Elsa's POV

"You wanna play with powers? Fine." He said. I was confused, and he took advantage forming a cage around me. I can't melt this. It's not my ice.

"Let me out!" I screamed.

"Not until you give me the ruby." He answered.

"Fine." I acted defeated and made a replica of the ruby with red ice. I put it through the bars and he took it instantly. Unfortunatly for me, he chcked to see if it was real.

"This is a fake. Made from ice." He said unimpressed. Then he just sat down. "Who are you?" He asked.

I smiled, "Ice Knife, at your service." I bowed mockingly. He shook his head. Wow, can't this guy lighten up?

"I mean who are you? Your name, past, family. What makes you, you. What's your center?"

I scoffed, "why would you need to know. I want to protect my friends since I have no family."

He turned to walk away, "but I know." He said, how could he know?

Jack's POV

Elsa reminded me of myself. Only, I hadn't turn to robbery. I turned to helping people. I lost my family in a fire and I was all alone. She knew nothing. Or did she.

"Jack wait!" I heard her yell. I rushed back to her and looked into her eyes.

"Yes Ice Knife."

"I feel like you'll understand, I can see it in your eyes, so I want to tell you something. You can never tell anyone else." She said, a few tears rolling down her cheeks, "this convosation must never leave this room."

I nodded, "begin."

"I was only young when I lost my family in a mysterious fire." My eyes picked up every word after that sentence, "I couldn't find them anywhere and my home was burnt to the ground. I was a begger, until a man wanted me to work for him. As a thief. I declined, but made my own living. Pick pocketing to live. Eventually when I was older, I rescued my gang members from the streets.They are like sisters, but are not my family. They don't understand. And my powers. They're a curse." She started to cry. 

I wanted to unfreeze the cage and pull her into an embrace. I knew how it felt. Understood. But I was a proffesional.

"Your name?" I asked her.

She shook her head, "for my groups sake, I will keep that a secret." I nodded respectfuly.

"Please give us the ruby." I begged her.

"I would give it to you, to go back to the seasons, but I don't have it." She answered. I got up from my chair and pulled her shirt so she was being crushed my the cage. In her eyes were fear.

"What do you mean you don't have it?" I asked angrily.

"When the girls came in," she gulped, "I used the wind to carry the ruby to them. They wouldn't've left otherwise. And they would've been taken too."

I let her go and frowned at her. But I couldn't do that without feeling guilty. She broke down into sobs and I grabbed her by the arm and led her to the team. She was not going to that prison. But I knew somewhere else she could go.

My father's war bunker.

A/N Hi guys, I hope you are enjoying the book so far and I really appreciate it if you are. The first few chapters were made in advance to put together so, yeah. I also want to thank everyone for reading the warm cold and the Guardian's tale, I hope this book will be as enjoyablle as you thought the others were.

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