Jack Frost has to die

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Jack's POV

I have to die? But I don't want to die. I want my sister, I want my family and I want Elsa. I don't want to die. I tried to break out of the cage, but it was useless. All I could do, was watch Elsa and her "team" talk.

"So Elsie, are you going to join us, or are we going to have to kill Jack with much more fun?" Asked Summer Rose I think.

Elsa looked at me then at her ex team mates over and over again. She gulped down her tears and she began breathing heavily like the oxygen was running low.

"I'll go back with you, but please let my sister and Jack's go. Please, don't kill Jack." She begged. I looked at her with tears in my own eyes. They were most likely gonna kill her for turning her back on them, or at least make her a prisoner. I can't let that happen.

"NO ELSA! Please, I can't lose you!" I shouted. It was the first thing that came to my mind. And you know what? I don't regret it.

She looked at me and gave me a weak smile, then she shook her head and turned back to her team with tears in her eyes.

"I will come back, but let them all go." Elsa stated.

"Of course Ice Knife." Smirked Autumn Bow. Suddenyl, a portal opened and Elsa was pushed through it. In her place, was my sister and I think hers. But before she left, she said 3 words, "I love you."

I fell to my knees and cried.

Elsa's POV

I knew I couldn't let him die, so I had to. I wouldn't join them, but I had to come. For Anna, for Jack's sister, and for Jack. As soon as I said yes, they pushed me in a portal as I told Jack I loved him. Then it went black.

The Dream (Sorry there are so many.)

Fire. So much fire that there was no smoke. Just flames I was crying, trying to put the flames out with ice, but my eyes couldn't cry n my powers wouldn't work. I fell to my knees as I stared at the flames. It reminded me of how my parents died. Innocent people in there could be dying right now. Then I heard a laugh.

"Oh Elsa, you can help them, just give into the fear." A voice I only knew from my dreams spoke to me.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly. I kept my head low. I didn't want to see his face, just know his name. The name of my nightmares.

I felt a freezing cold hand girp my head and yank it up so I would see him, "my name is Pitch Black." He grinned then pushed me to the floor.

I looked around and saw ice forming, my powers were grpwing stronger. I could stop the fire. Maybe it's not too late for the family in there.

"Yes it is Elsa. Take a look." Pitch smiled with satisfaction. He grabbed my arm and forced me to stand to see what was happening . Then I saw them.

Familiar faces. Two that I will never forget. My parents.

End of dream

I woke up in my bedroom at the base and got up from my bed with a sligt head ache.

I was about to open the door when I heard my "team's" voices

"She wont join us Punzie.  She is in love with that Jack guy." Mer spoke.

"She will if it means saving his life. Did she really think we were going to keep our promise?" Aurora replied.

"Those Guardian police have made her weak. But we will convice her." Punzie said.

They were about to come to the door, but I ran back to my bed silently pretending to be asleep. Then they opened the door.

"Mer tie her up. She heard everything. Leave Jack to me." Punzie commanded.

I jumped from my bed.

"No!" I shouted. But as I opened the door, a man stood in my way. He was dressed in black. I recognized him, but sould not put a name to it.

He pulled me in chains and spoke to me.

"Oh Elsa, I don't think we have met properly,  my name is Pitch, Pitch Black. And it is time Jack Frost dies."

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