Fire Burns

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Jack's POV

I can't believe it. Elsa sacrificed herself for her sister, for mine. And for me. After Elsa was taken, Pitch and his gang left. I fell to my knees with tears in my eyes. The Guardians surrounded me pitifully and helped me back to my house in the woods.

"I'm sorry Jack. She was a good person." Tooth spoke kindly. I nodded my head and went inside the house, with Eugene, Emma and Elsa's sister Anna.

When the dorr was closed, I punched one of my walls making ice spread everywhere.

"Jack, calm down, we will get her back." He tried to reassured me. But it didn't help. I screamed in anger and ran to my room.

"Oh Elsa, I will find you. I promise." I vowed and was forced into a sleep, but not before seeing the shining light of the moon.

Elsa's POV

I think I must've fainted because as I opened my eyes, I noticed I was in a different room. A cell. I had no idea how long I had been out for, but I saw two figures in a corner whispereing to each other.

I tried to stand up to back away, but my knees buckled underneath me causing a loud bang to fill the cell. The two figures heard it and came closer to me. I shoved my face in my knees wanting to pretend I was invisable and cry, but he spoke.

"Elsa? Is that you?" Spoke a masculin voice. I looked up and saw Hiccup and Phillip. I was so shocked that I pushed myself up from the floor and pulled them both in for an embrace. Then I started to cry.

After hesitating, they hugged me back, "Elsa, what happened?" Asked Hiccup.

"We were told that you were kidnapped and that me ex team mates had my sister as well as Jack's. We were about to track you down, but the other Guardians were caught in a f.. fi..."

Why couldn't I say that word. Fire. Is it because I've had bad experience with fire? No it wasn't, but I don't  know. I hate fire. Just thinking about it made my eyes water, so guess how emotional I was now?

"Elsa, what? What were the Guardians caught in?!?!" Phillip started to scream in my face. He grabbed my wrists and began shaking me.

"WHAT ELSA!" He screamed.

"Phillip, stop!" Hiccup commanded, but he wouldn't.

"ELSA I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T TELL ME.!!!!!!!" Phillip continued to shout.

I started to cry and ice started to for on the walls. That gave me an idea. I pulled awawy from Phillip and made a ying yang symbol with ice and filled one half with snow. They looked confused, so I pointed to the other half.

Ying yang is a symbol to represent opposites. After about 2 minutes oof guessing, Hiccup finally got it right.

"Fire?" He asked surprised and I just nodded.

They both stumbled back at the same time.

"Our families died from a fire...."

Hiccup's POV

Flash Back


I remember the day when I was with my parents, they were happy as we were going to the cinemas to watch a new movie. It was our family fun day out, but half way through the movie, a mysterious fire started.

Everyone tried to get out of the building, but something was blocking the doors, that was when my father spotted a window.

"Go so, we'll be right behind you." My mum told me after dad had pointed out the window.

They pushed me out, but they didn't make it. The building was ablaze in minutes and then it collapsed. Killing almost everything inside it.

I fell to my knees and tears blurred my vision, but not before I saw a man in black grinning.

End Of Flash Back


"I'm sorry Hiccup." Were Elsa's words, "I know how you feel, I lost my parents to a fire."

I smiled at her. We were not so different, I looked at her like a big brother to a little sister (A/N not a Hiccelsa fan do not worry.) She was not lke her team that nearly killed us and locked us up in this dark stinking cell.

"We have to find a way out of here." Istated. But then I looked at Phillip. He was in a corner, crying.

Phillip's POV

Flash Back


I remember the screams. Every single one. I remember the look of horror on everyone's faces. Most of all, I remember my big brother. My parents died when I was born, so it was just me and my brother.

We were in a park in the woods, I was on the swings until I smelt burning. I began to ran with a few other kids to find their careers, but I only found fire, lots of it. Then I saw my brother, under a fire lit tree.

I didn't know what else to do, so I ran. But i did see one thing, a man dressed in black.

End of Flash Back


"We have to get out of here." Elsa whispered with tears in her eyes, "I have to get you two out of here."

Hic and I looked at her confused, but then we heard voices outside the cell.

"Oh no Elsie, you see, we changed all of our secret passages so you couldn't escape. Happy birthday." Announced the pretty blonde.

(A/N Phillip, what did I say about thinking and or flirting with girls in a life threatining situation?)

(Phillip: Ahh don't do it! Fine.)

"Aurora, please, let them go."

"Um, let me think about this...... no."

Then another girl came in. She had big thick red hair. Shew was holding a sack, "this one dies at sunrise." She said.

She thhrew the sack on the ground, but not before Elsa grabbed her wrist and muttered something in her ear. The red head looked sympathetic for a moment, but then walked away. Together, we opened the sack.

Elsa's POV


My eyes were still wet from the tears I cried earlier, but these tears weren't sad, the were joy. I pulled Jack into a hug and kisseed him on the lips. Lucky for me, he returned the kiss. It was akward with the boys there, but I didn't give a damn.

"I love you Jack."

"I love you Elsa."

When I heard his voice, I rememberd, he was going to die.......

Mer's POV

Elsa had given the signal, four words to start off the plan, "mother bear is in."

Punzie and Aurora, you are going down you mother f**kers.

The plan was simple, but everyone in that cell, had to die first.

A/N Hi guys, another cliffie, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I had writer's block and this idea just popped into my head. I would've written a lot more, but my family can't watch Waterloo Road without me sooo....

Anyway, hope you liked this chapter and I'll update soon.


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