The Plans.

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Elsa's POV

I woke up from another nightmare as usual. Early and afraid. I was dreaming of my sister and parents. My parents died in a fire and my sister Anna just dissapeared. I spent years looking for her. But was always unsuccessful. I missed her. We would always play with my powers and have fun. But time to get to work. We did our best work at night.

I got an ice plue tank top with white leggings so it would allow me to run and move faster. I also put my hair in a french braid, put on my blue ski mask and grabbed my boots. Time to wake the others up.

Mer's POV

I was in the middle of a peacful dream when the boss girl Ice Knife/ Elsa came running into the rooms with a sauce pan and spoon bashing it trying to get us up. I looked at the clock in my room and saw that it was 03:30 am. Wow Elsa. Just wow.

"5 more minutes." Punzie complained. She always was the one to be lazy. I rolled my eyes and got up. The usual routine and get up. Orange top with black trousers and black boots. Tosay, we were going to steal the red ruby.

Elsa's POV

We were out and on our bikes in 5 minutes sharp. The red ruby was a valuable item. But we didn't put ourselves at risk like stealing the crown jewels. But this wasn't that much of a risk. We got to our destination quickly and went over the plan.

"Summer Rose, distract the Guards. Like you've just been mugged. Do you have your wig for this one?" I asked her.

"Yes Els- Ice Knife." She always forgets.

"Spring Healer, stay out of sight and take down the cameras while Autumn Bow takes down the guards. Remember no killing. After the area is cleared and you are still trying to gain enterence, I will sneak inside and do what I have to do. Okay?"

"Yes." They all said. Lets do this!

Jack's POV

Hiccup had tracked down the location of the Season's next robbery. He was our master tracker and computer geek. We had to get there before the Seasons. I had never seen them before, but they were unstopable. To other officers. I am a professional, I have never failed a mission and my teamates never have either. I wasn't going to start today.

It was 02:45 am. Perfect. I got everyone up and we were all ready to go. We go into our under cover car and drove to the destination. There we saw four girls. They had ski masks and were whispering quietly. The only people carzy enough to be out here were The Seasons. My team were about to go ham, but I stopped them.

"We need to know what we're up against." I explained using signs. They nodded and we hid in the shadows disscusing the plan.

"Computer Hac, what should we expect?" He knew everything about them since he did his research.

"They like to split up. They do a pattern. Distracttion first, taking security down next, the guards down, then they go in." He explained. "One more thing, they never kill. Excpet to feel pain and in a coma, but you will be alive."

With this information, I told the group what to do.

"Okay, first things first. We will wait until one goes in while the others are distracted. I will arrest that one and then we run with her. We can use her to get the others to give them selves up." Everyone nodded their heads in approval.

So that was when the waiting began.

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