The Past

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Elsa's POV

M... my sister? But she... she died in the .... how is she..... THEY HAVE HER!?!?! No, no, no, no.

Tears started to fill my eyes and Jack pulled me close to him as snowflakes satrted to fall. He hugged me tighter and released ice. I relaxed a bit, knowing that he would always be there to help me. I was in the middle of my thoughts when Eugene spoke on the radio again.

"Guys, you need to come back now JACK THE BEST GUARDIANS ARE UNDER ATTACK!!!!!!!" He screamed.

Me and Jack raced to get to Eugene and found that he was already on his way to the Best Guardian's base, so we just had to follow on Jack's bike. He went as fast as lightning and put the sirens up.

"We are definatley changing out names to the Protectors, things will just get confusing." Jack laughed trying to make light out of the conversation, but I didn't want to. All I could think about was my sister Anna on that fateful night.



"Elsa, help me!" My little sister Anna cried. She was surrounded by fire, but my powers were out of control so I couldn't use them to get rid of the fire.

"Elsa, please!" She shouted again, coughing from the black smoke entering her lungs. I felt my tears evaporate and my eyes stinging as I tried to reach for my sister.

Eventually, I braved the flames, only to find Anna gone, and the ceiling about to collapse ontop of me.

I woke up several hours later in hospital and an oxygen mask on my face. My vision was blurred when a man who I assumed was a doctor came to check on me.

"I'm sorry Elsa, but your parents have died in the fire and your little sister was no where to be found. We only assumed that she perished with them." The doctor told me with a sad expression. I cried for hours on end after that. I was an orphan.

End Of Flash Back


Jack's POV

I could tell Elsa was stressed out, so I wanted to try to make her happier, I tried to make a joke, but she just stayed silent placing her head onto my back as we continued riding. So, I was left alone with my.

Is my sister really out there? But she died in the fire, so how? Would she remember me? I remembered everything.

Flash Back


It was nightfall, and I was having a nightmare. A nightmare of a man in black taking my family away. Stabbing them in the heart and leaving me to drown in their blood.

It was a traumatizing nightmare for a kid of only 7, so naturally, I went to my parents bedroom, only to smell smoke downstairs. I went down and saw a fire starting to spread. I screamed at the top of my lungs and awakened my parents. 

They both looked at each other in shock and we all ran to my sister's room. However, when we got there, we were gobsmacked. A piece of burning wood had collapsed in front of her door. We heard her little 5 year old self scream until there was silence.

My parents started to cry, picked me up and chucked me out the window onto the wheat field. I turned to my house shocked and saw my parents holding each other from the window. They waved goodbye.

"WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU JACK!" They shouted before the house collapsed ontop of them.

I heard laughing before I blacked out and woke up in hospital.

End of flash back.


Elsa forced me out of my flashback when she screamed. I was going to crash into a tree. I pulled the brake just in time, making us both fall from the bike.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I helped her up. She smiled at me and replied.

"No broken bones, just a few bruises. But I'll be okay. You?"

"Fine, but we have to get to the Guardians quick."

She looked confused and asked, "okay my protector."

"Let's go icicle."

And we drove off. Only to discover their base, claimed by fire.

A/N Hi guys, hope you like this chapter. Next one will come soon and I hope you're enjoying this book so far. Remember to check out my other books as well and that's all I can say. Thank you so much for reading and I promise to update soon.


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