They got it, they got her

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Elsa's POV

While Summer Rose was distracting, Spring healer was taking down the security and Autumn Bow was taking down the guards, I ran for the door. It was un guarded now, this should be easy as cake. Or so I thougt.

There were many laser beams and trip wires, I swear I almost triggerd one. But it was alright. I pulled out my gloves and carefully cut the glass case. Taking out the red ruby, I placed a fake iced one in it's place.

I was about to turn around when I heard footsteps behind the door.

"Damn it Shadow Man, keep quiet. We need to get her." A voice spoke in a whisper. I started to panic. How did they get past the girls? Never mind, I gotta get out of here. I was just able to freeze the door and hide before bursting int. They all looked around confused then at a white heaired guy furiously.

"Guys, it wasn't me!" He said. Why would it be him?

They started to look around to see where I was. I was about to get down, but the doors were closed behind me. I thought about the girls, but I tell them not to interupt me. Damn. I'm stuck.

"Where could she have gone?" Asked one of the boys.

"I don't know, but I have never failed a mission and I don't plan on starting tonight." The boy with white hair said. What mission? I have a bad feeling about this.

I had to get out of there. But I couldn't get down just yet. However, my palms were sweating and I couldn't get a grip. I fell but made a snow patch so I wouldn't get hurt. Just like a pillow. They heard me and I ran for the door. It was frozen shut. But I unfroze it didn't I? It doesn't matter, I had no where to run.

Then the girls melted the ice with a flame thrower? And stared.

"GO! I CAN TAKE THEM JUST GO!" I screamed at them. They did and the door shut right after they left.

Two of the boys were going to go after them, but I was realived and saddend at the same time, "leave them, we only need one. And I'm going to guess this is their leader."

They all smirked at me and tried to take my mask off. I wouldn't allow it. They pinned me to the ground anyway.

"Where is the ruby?" One asked. He had a goatee and was leaning down to my level. I didn't answer, just spat in his face to show my defience. He didn't like it and slapped me making me fall. He just laughed.

"Enough Eugene."

Jack's POV

I was beginning to think the girl got away, but I was wrong. She fell to the ground and tried to make a break for the door. I froze it shut. We pounced.

3  other girls burst through the door and stared ready to fight. Then the girl we were about to take hostage did something unexpected, "GO! I CAN TAKE THEM JUST GO!"

She was sacrificing herself for her friends? That takes some guts. The girls ran away leaving their leader here.

The others were about to go after them, but I stopped them, "leave them, we only need one. And I'm going to guess this is their leader."

We all smirked and tried to remove her mask. She wouldn't let us, so we just left it. But we had to remove it eventually. So to keep her steady, we pinned her to the ground.

"Where is the ruby?" Eugene asked? He bent down to her level. Stupid guy. I expected her to spit in his face, so Eugene slapped her.

"Enough Eugene." I told him and he stopped imediently.

"Why would you tell her my real name?" He asked agitated.

"Well she didn't know that did she?" I told him. He really isn't the sharpest knife in the draw.

"We have to take her unscratched." Hic told him. Philip wasn't talking much.

"Philip? Philip?" Oh great he wasn't here. Did they, wait no, he was behind me. I really am a dumb ass. But my team is like my family.


"Shall we take her back, or interigate her first?" I asked smiling. She was looking up at me with pleading eyes. It wiped the smile off my face.

"We haven't done that in such a long time. It'd be a shame to miss the oppurtunity." Philip answered.

"First, take off the mask." Hic said. The other's were about to, but I said no.

"Do you really wanna see the pained face of a women?"

They shook there heads and put her in the car hands behind her back. She didn't make any move to escape. That just made me feel guilty. But why?

"Guys, she is a criminal, so it shouldn't matter male, or female. We have to take her mask off." Philip said. Everyone agreed, so I had to too. But I didn't want to.

"Let's go to the old hideout." I suggested. They agreed.

We spen half an hour travelling to the woods and to a secret underground hideout. We tied her to a chair and she was forced to have her mask removed. I just wished I didn't have to go first.

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