What have you done

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Jack's POV

I heard Pitch's voice when Elsa had told me to run. Pitch was standing with Punzie and Hans, blocking the entrance so there was no escape. I pulled Elsa close to me, afraid that she would get hurt again while the others fell back in fear. Even the all mighty Guardians.

"Oh dear Elsa." Pitch started to shake his head in disappointment as he lifted her from the ground with black sand.

"You tried to warn them, didn't you?"

Elsa nodded her head, holding back tears because of the sand restricting her breathing. I frowned at Pitch and threw ice shards towards him. I was able to disorientate his concentration and he dropped Elsa imminently trying to fight back.

"JACK!" Elsa shouted before jumping in front of me to take a bullet for me. She collapsed to the floor.

The bullet was lodged in her side blocking blood from getting out of her body. I looked up to see who shot her and saw Hans holding a gun with the others looking shocked. I ran to Elsa and saw she was gasping heavily.

"Elsa, you... you're gonna be alright.... you.... you're gonna be fine." I stuttered on the verge of crying. I looked at her and felt her cold hand pressed against my face. I smiled at her and she smiled back. The happy moment was interrupted when Pitch started to laugh.

"Oh Elsa. You were supposed to trick him. Not protect him."

I suddenly frowned at Pitch then Elsa who looked as confused as me. Then suddenly, she burst out angry, "I NEVER AGREED TO THAT!" She winced in pain after shouting at pitch and held her side to stop the bleeding.

"Agreed to what Elsa?" I asked her afraid of the answer.

Her eyes started to get misty with unshed tear, "I'm sorry Jack, I tried to warn you....." She stopped half way through her sentence, gasping after it because of the pain in her body.

Pitch continued for her, saying the words I dreaded, "she agreed to join me."

Elsa stiffened at his words and looked at me with her apologetic eyes, but I looked away, afraid that she would see pain in mine.

"I did it to pro-"

She didn't get to finish, "WHY WOULD YOU JOIN HIM!?!?" I shouted at her making he shake in my pressence. I hated this, but had to continue, "I DON'T CARE IF YOU DID IT TO PROTECT ME, YOU STILL BETRAYED ME!!!!"

Elsa's POV

"YOU STILL BETRAYED ME!!!" Those were the words that hurt me the most. Not the arrow, not the bullet, not even the dream, but those four words. I started to cry. But he was right, Pitch would've killed him anyway.

I tried to get up, but the pain was still burning in my side that I couldn't, so Hans had to taunt me more, "You can never save anyone Elsa. You always make a mess of things. Remember the blizzard in Dunbroch?"

Mer's home? But I did nothing there. To prove it, Pitch projected a picture showing a kingdom in ice as well as a king, queen and triplets, frozen in ice.

Mer looked mortified and screamed, "YOU KILLED MY FAMILY?!?!? I OUGHT TO KILL YOU RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!" She shouted with all her might. I stayed silent, all I could do was watch in pain as the scene played in front of me.

"We'll come back for you Elsa, but first, let's see what they do to you first." Pitch grinned and returned to the shadows with his "friends." So I started to cry. I felt foot steps grow lighter behind me. I looked up and saw that they were all at the door, waiting for Jack who was still beside me.

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