Shopping disaster

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Jack's POV

it's been 6 months since Elsa was kidnapped. We've tried everything but found no trace. We haven't seen Hans or any of Pitch's other followers giving us no clues. There have been no crimes by Pitch for the last six months. He wants to stay in hiding.

I was doing some paper work but I couldn't think straight. I was worrying too much about Elsa. I left my office and went to Hiccup's to see if he had found anything.

"Hic please tell me you found something." I wanted my wife back. I wanted to hold her in my arms and never let go. So I was surprised when Hic answered.

"Yes. I found Hans' phone number and was a le to listen to his conversation with Pitch. He said he was going to the shops." I don't know why but the conversation just ended there."

I smiled, "do you have any idea where?" I asked hopefully.

"Somewhere around the town centre at about 9am. I'm not sure exactly but you will find him. He said he's going to disguise as a business man. Sane hair just glasses and a suit. Some one may be with him."

I nodded and gave Hic a bro hug before contacting the others. We would get together and beat the crap out of Hans, I would put a tracker on him and then follow him.

The next day.

We were in the town centre at 9am exactly waiting. Half an hour would go by and I was about to give up hope when I spotted Hans. But he wasn't alone. He was walking with a pregnant women.

Elsa's POV

I was now 6 months pregnant. I was getting exhausted really quickly and uncomfortable in that cell. It was not good for myself and the baby's. So Pitch allowed me to have my own room.

I was thinking about what I would get for my baby when Hans walked in dressed as a business man. I had to hold in a laugh.

"Why are you dressed like that?" I said raising an eye brow.

"You need to go out baby shopping anf I must accompany you. First we need to disguise you."

I nodded and walked with Hans to the master of disguise. Gothle.

I sat in the chair and wait for a while, while she dyed my hair and put green contacts in my eyes. When I came out I sae I had auburn (red hair) and green eyes.

"You must act as my wife and that the baby is mine. Understood? "

I nodded and we walked out. He held my hand. I was about to pull it away but he shot me a death glare so I obeyed and kept my hand where it was.

"Don't expect me to kiss you." I told him.

He laughed in response and continued to walk. We were about to enter a shop but Hans went crashing down with people surrounding us. I knew instantly who they were. They were the seasons, the protectors and Jack.

"Where's my wife you son of a b**ch!?!" Jack demanded to know.

"I won't tell you!" He spat in response. Jack started to punch him and as Hans' "wife" I had to do what expected.

"Please! Leave him be!" I screamed as he restrained Hans' arms and legs.

Everyone looked at me in shock, but ignored me. I tried to get to Hans but Eugene and Philip held me back.

"Please he means no harm!" I begged trying my best to act.

Jack tied Hans up and walked to me. He frowned and looked at me. If my baby's and my neck wasn't on the line I would've jumped into his arns and tell him everything. But I had to get Hans out of there alive and free.

"Who are you?" Jack asked continuing to to frown.

It broke my heart that he didn't recognize me. But it hurt even more knowing that I  couldn't do anything about it.

"I'm his wife." I said nearly being sick because of saying it.

They looked startled but Jack grabbed my face turning it side to side. He nodded and turned away untying Hans.

"Jack, what are you doing?" Mer asked kinda agitated.

"He can do no harm with his new wife. We will give him the benefit of the doubt. But he comes here again, we will take him."

I nodded and walked towards Hans pulling him up.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but thanks." He said.

I nodded as I helped him back to base.

Jack's POV

There was something familiar about that girl. But I can't put my finger on it.


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