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Jack's POV

I sank down beside the unconscious Elsa and began to sob silently with my tears sliding down my cheeks. I felt a hand placed on my shoulder and I looked up with misty eyes to see Merida trying to give me comfort. However, I did not want their sympathy, I wanted Elsa. That is why I carefully picked her up and carried her to my house in the woods.

It had taken me a few minutes to return to my house. So when I opened my door, I didn't expect to have company. The true Guardians. I hadn't expected them to come, or even find me since my house was secluded from most of the town. I frowned and held Elsa protectively.

"What do you want?" I asked still frowning at their intrusion of my home. My mind also wandered to the conclusion that they were here for Elsa.

Tooth along with Sandy looked sad, or the emotion stained on their faces may have been disappointment in themselves, however, North and Bunny looked smug, like they had somehow conquered a lion and were ready to take on a shark.

Bunny made a move towards me, so I did what was thought natural, I created a staircase of ice, climbed it and broke of the stairs before anyone could get to me. No biggie.

Bunny frowned when he couldn't reach me, but his disappointment didn't last long. Then I noticed his boomerangs. I gulped. North then smirked with Bunny  knowing that one way or another, they would win.

"What do you want?" I asked again from the top of the broken staircase.

"We want Ice Knife Winter Fun." North answered.

I rolled my eyes, "so now we're using code names North?" I joked. Hey, I am winter Fun for a reason.

"You always use ours." Was Bunny's childish attempt of a comeback. So I just smirked and spoke once more.

"You're right Billy. So let's see, we have Billy, Nathan, Sammy and Tina. I can get used to that."

"FROST!!!! GIVE US THE GIRL!!!" Bunny and North- no wait, Billy and Nathan demanded.

"Never! She is injured." I spoke back with defiance. There was no way I was giving them Elsa. Especially in this state.

"Please wake up Elsa. Come back to me." I whispered into her ear as I kissed her cheek, one of my tears falling onto her face.

Elsa's POV

I saw the arrow coming towards Jack, so I did what I had to do, I jumped in front of him, the arrow hit me. The pain was excruciating, but I wasn't dying. Yet. I whispered Jack's name then, I was consumed by darkness.

After a few hours or what I assumed to be a few hours, I opened my eyes to see my body in Jack's arms. I saw a pool of blood underneath me and the arrow that went through my body. I opened my eyes wide then fell unconscious.

I opened my eyes once more, but only saw darkness. After a while of looking, a bright light flashed then three figures appeared making the darkness part, or in other words, making the darkness bow down for them. That was when I saw their faces. Hans, Punzie and PItch.

I tried to run, but they flashed in front of me before I had a chance to run. Pitch grabbed my arms while Punzie grabbed my legs. Hans was standing there awaiting orders.

"What do you want with me?" I asked afraid of what the answer may be.

Hans stayed silent until I felt Pitch nod behind me. Hans smirked and came closer to me clicking his fingers. I flinched and closed my eyes while Hans forcefully lifted my chin up making my eyes open to face him.

"We want you to join us Ice Knife. Or have you grown too soft that we can't call you that? Elsa." Hans answered.

I flinched at my name in his voice while tears threatened to roll down my face. Suddenly, Hans frowned and slapped my face for no good reason other than enjoyment.

"Hans." Punzie addressed bored.

"Just having a little fun Punz. Be glad I'm not planning to do other things to her." He smirked.

My eyes widened in realization of what he meant, so I tried to get out of my restraints, but my captors were not going to allow that.

"Elsa, struggling only makes it worse." Punzie said making an effortless attempt to make me stop.

"Just think Elsa." Pitch's unspoken voice so far said, "join us, or we will kill Jack, we are just dreams, we can get to him any time we want. You're either with us, or against Jack."

I swear my heart stopped beating for a second when he said that. Then, I heard Jack's voice, "Please wake up Elsa. Come back to me."

I was scared of Jack's welfare that I did the  only thing that I thought would keep him alive. I agreed.

Jack's POV

I saw Elsa squirming and for the first time in a while, I heard her breathing. However, she was breathing heavily. She was having a nightmare. I was only exposed to one who was capable of things like this. Pitch.

I was taken away from my thoughts when the Guardians screamed once more.


I had no other choice but to come down with Elsa injured and asleep in my arms. I slowly came down in surrender and placed Elsa down. As soon as she was out of my arms, bunny and North grabbed her and yanked her to her feet. Sandy held me back so I was unable to do anything about the mistreatment of Elsa. However, Tooth did do something.

"Boys, she is injured, at least try to be careful."

The others nodded and instead of continuing to carry her, they placed her down and let me go. I ran to her side to see her facial expressions filled with pain and fear.

After a few moments, my team showed up with Merida and Aurora. Merida and Aurora came my way with Elsa while my teamates pulled a girl into my home. She gasped.

"Elsa?" Of course, this was Elsa's sister.

I started to cry once more, but she opened her eyes.

Elsa's POV

I opened my eyes to decover Jack by my side. Then I remembered. They were coming. I jumped to my feet but felt a merciless pain in my chest. I sank to the floor and tried my best to speak. Jack was looking at me concerned.

"Pitch, Punz..... Hans.... Come.... Please..... Run... RUN!!!" I shouted with tears in my eyes, but it was too late.

"Oh dear Elsa."

The one and only, Pitch Black.

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