Chapter Six : The Practical Joke

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Ellia didn't have many visitors that were students except from those four, who frequently checked to see if she had awoken yet. However she hadn't. It also seemed that the majority of the teachers had became alert of the the attack and sent their wishes to Severus and Ellia. Also, Minerva had payed an awful lot of visits with Albus to frequently check up on Ellia's health, and Albus spent the majority of his time at her bedside when Severus was working. Two weeks had passed until Albus finally decided to speak out to all the students about it during a feast.

"As you might already be aware of, there was an attack on a new Hogwarts students two weeks ago, on her first day. We are unclear as to who had done this to her, as she still has awoken, yet we assure you all as soon as she does we will find out who the attacker was," Albus started calling out the students,"Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick found nine year old Ellia Snape hidden behind a chair, her head bleeding and several other injuries, including bruises. Luckily for Miss Snape, Professor McGonagall was able to escort her to the Hospital Wing just in time before it was too late." Severus shivered as Albus reminded him of the story, before he rose from his chair.

"Whoever has done this can admit to it now and be punished, or be found out and punished even worse, including being expelled and sent to Azkaban, no matter what excuse or year," He shouted at the students in The Great Hall.

"Now now Severus calm down. As I was saying, Miss Snape is now in high medication and we are currently awaiting for her awakening. Whoever has done this, I would like you to stand up," Albus projected his voice across the Great Hall, however nobody stood up.

Meanwhile, Aurora, the Weasley twins and Panemia hadn't left Ellia's side, and refused to attend the feast. They were too, awaiting for her to wake up. Each one of them was nearly fast asleep when a voice croaked.

"Fred, George? Is that you?" Ellia croaked, her voice quieter than a whisper.

"Ellia. You're... you're awake," Fred said, before beaming.

"Madame Pomfrey, Ellia's awake!" George called, rushing to get Madame Pomfrey. Ellia scanned the room to see Aurora and Fred sat by her bedside, as well as a girl she recognised from her Defence Against The Dark Arts class.

"Sorry to sound rude, but who are you?" Ellia croaked, looking across at Panemia.

"She's Panemia. She hasn't left your side, as well as me and the twins. We were worried," Aurora said, "What happened?"

"It was a Slytherin. A Slytherin girl attacked me upon my return from Dumbledore's office. I don't know who she is, I hadn't came across her before," Ellia trembled.

"We brought gifts," Panemia said, handing Ellia a couple of bags. Takin a look inside the bags, Ellia saw tons of boxes of sweets, as well as teddy bears and books.

"Thank you, all of you. I appreciate it a lot," Ellia said, before Madame Pomfrey came over.

"Ellia it's a relief to see you're finally awake. I was beginning to wonder whether I had to send you to St Mungos," Madame Pomfrey said, "Now I'll give you a quick check up before your father and Albus get here. In fact, Fred and George why don't you go and alert the pair, as well as a Professor McGonagall. They'll be relieved to know she's awake."

"Yes miss," The twins said in unison, before leaving the room. Madame Pomfrey did a quick check up, before giving Ellia some quick medication and going back into her office.

"I'm so glad you're awake Ellia," Aurora said.

"Me too. I'm just in a lot of pain right now," Ellia complained, before noticing a small card on her table. Picking it up, she looked up at Aurora and Panemia.

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