Chapter Seven : The Slytherins Kin

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"Remember what to do El?" Fred asked Ellia, preparing for the prank.

"Run and hide and then pretend like I'm hurt and somebody's got me, to scare Hagrid," Ellia reminded herself.

"Yep that's right El, I'll distract him now," Fred said, making several distractions. Sprinting off, Ellia hid behind a large tree trunk, checking everything was clear before running again. Accidentally tripping over a tree root, Ellia tumbled onto the floor.

"Hagrid help!" Ellia faked screaming, like she was being dragged away.

"Ellia!" She heard Hagrid shout, running towards her. Faking crying, Ellia screamed in 'pain' as she pretended to be taken away. Fred just sniggered at Hagrid, who was running around panicking. Finally rushing to Ellia's side, Hagrid looked at her in disbelief.

"You're alright?" He questioned.

"Hehe yeah," Ellia said, hopping up before somebody grabbed her shoulder.

"Oh look who's out in the Forbidden Forest with the giant and Weasley," somebody said. Ellia whirled around to see a tall mysterious guy lurking over her.

"Parkinson you have no authorised permission to be in these woods," Hagrid growled.

"No authorised permission? And yet you, the ginger and this little rat have?" Parkinson snarled.

"Yes by order of Professor Dumbledore we have permission to be in these forests as the pair are serving detention," Hagrid growled back.

"Boohoo Professor Dumbledore. He expelled my 17 year old daughter and she got sent to Azkaban for attacking some poor pathetic girl. Poor Pansy was devastated that her sister wasn't there," Parkinson growled. Ellia gasped, before rushing back to Hagrid and Fred. It was Patricia's father.

"What your daughter did to Ellia Snape was unacceptable and she had to be punished," Hagrid defended Ellia.

"Where is his Ellia you speak off? Is she really Severus's daughter?" Parkinson snarled.

"I'm right here sir," Ellia whispered, hiding between Fred and Hagrid.

"You're the little scatty rat? I'm sure when the Dark Lord rises once more and Patricia is free, then they'll have something to say to you," Parkinson snarled.

"You-know-who is dead," Hagrid snapped.

"As you believe," Parkinson croaked.

"And no harm will come to Ellia as long as she has protection, and she will always have protection," Hagrid warned Parkinson.

"We'll see about that," Parkinson joked, before apparating.

     The group had reformed and Hagrid had taken Ellia right upstairs to inform Dumbledore of Parkinson, however he spared Ellia and didn't mention the prank. As soon as the word got down to her father, he stormed into the room and picked Ellia up.

"She'll stay in my quarters tonight," Severus demanded.

"You must remain calm Severus. Maybe it is best if Ellia returns home or to the Malfoy's for the time being until further on, it may be the safest place for her," Dumbledore suggested.

"Nonsense. Ellia is not going back to the Malfoy's," Severus barked.

"Please Severus, do not snap. Ellia can stay in your quarters tonight, however in the morning I myself with you shall apparate her to the Malfoy's," Dumbledore answered.

"She is in just as much immediate danger there," Severus snapped back at Dumbledore.

"Now Severus, it has also come to my attention that Lucius Malfoy himself is away on a business course for the school, I can have that extended so that he is not present and I shall send him a letter explaining why Ellia is here. For the time being though, I'm sure Narcissa and Draco will enjoy having Ellia there, I do recall you saying that they were close," Dumbledore informed Severus. Placing Ellia on a nearby chair, Severus stormed up to Dumbledore.

"If any harm is to come to her Albus," He started, "I'll hold you responsible."

"The situation will Lily shall not happen again," Dumbledore assured Severus, before standing up, "I suggest you take Ellia to bed. She's had a long night."

"Yes headmaster," Severus snapped, "Come child." He took Ellia's hand before storming out of the room, Ellia following along behind him. He didn't stop walking until they got down to the dungeons, were his quarters were.

"You'll stay in here tonight Ellia," Severus barked at the child, pushing his door open. Ellia was greeted with the familiar settings, however there seemed to be books everywhere now.

"You're room is on the left. It's got a crib in it, however you can just ignore that and sleep in the bed provided," Severus snapped, pointing at an old wooden door. Cautiously walking over to the room, Ellia snuck inside only to be greeted with a blast of pale green colours. A crib was pushed to the corner of the bedroom with a couple of teddy bears inside the crib. A single bed was on the opposite side of the room, with flower fairy lights hanging around it. A window was in between the crib and green curtains hung over it. A wardrobe was stood at the end of the bed and a large green rug was placed in the middle. It had confused Ellia as to why her father had this room in his quarters, seeing as Ellia had no memory of staying there. She slung her robes off of her, before hanging them up in the wardrobe. She'd forgotten night robes, so instead she just tucked herself up into bed, before falling sound asleep.

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