Chapter Eight : The Disappearance

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Ellia awoke startled by the ratting of noise from outside the room she was staying in. Hopping out of bed, she wandered over to the window, pulling open the green curtains the blocked the sunlight. It beamed through the patterns on the window, lightening the room. Spinning around, Ellia studied the crib as well as the bears inside of it. They were all quite ruined except from one small silver bear. Ellia went to pick up, however paused when she heard voices from outside the room. Opening the door, she stepped out to see Professor Dumbledore, Aurora and Professor McGonagall stood in her father's quarters.

"Ahh Ellia, I see you're awake," Dumbledore said, the blue in his eyes twinkling.

"Yes sir," Ellia replied, rubbing the sleep out of her own eyes before noticing her trunk and bag in Aurora's hands.

"I shall apparate with you and Miss Grace to the Malfoy's Mansion, where you shall be staying," Dumbledore informed her.

"Are those mine?" Questioned Ellia, pointing at the trunk.

"Yeah. Professor McGonagall came to get me this morning and explained everything, it's just so upsetting hat you're leaving," Aurora sighed.

"Now now Miss Grace, Ellia here shall be returning next year as a second year. You shan't be separated for long," McGonagall informed Aurora. Scanning the room, Ellia couldn't find her father.

"May I ask where my father is?" Ellia asked the group.

"He's gone to explain to Lucius about the situation," Dumbledore informed the girl.

"Shall I get changed?" Ellia questioned Dumbledore.

"Most certainly not Ellia," McGonagall said, before casting a spell to change Ellia's robes into a crimson dress.

"Thank you Professor," Ellia said.

"You're very welcome, it has been a pleasure teaching you," McGonagall said ,"And I'm hoping to see you return to my house next year." She had a warm smile on and something made Ellia feel a bit .. welcomed.

"I will Professor," Ellia said, before turning to see Professor Dumbledore.

"Are you ready Ellia?" He asked her, placing his hand out. Aurora put her hand on his before awaiting for Ellia.

"Yeah. Bye Professor," Ellia said, before placing her hand on Aurora's, and apparating out of the castle. They arrived at Malfoy Manor, where already Narcissa was stood outside the gates.

"Professor Dumbledore," Narcissa smiled, before turning to see Ellia.

"Ellia my dear, it's great to see you again," She said, rushing up to Ellia and picking her up.

"You too Mrs Malfoy," Ellia replied.

"How many times sweetheart, Narcissa or Cissy," Narcissa joked, before turning to see Dumbledore.

"Now Mrs Malfoy, I'm sure Severus explained why Ellia is staying with you," Dumbledore said.

"Yes and I'm hoping Lucius will understand for once," Narcissa sighed, before taking Ellia's luggage.

"Thank you Mrs Malfoy for taking her, it's appreciated," Dumbledore said, before apparating away with Aurora clinging to his arms.

"Draco doesn't know you're coming, he'll be happy to see you," Narcissa said, walking into Malfoy Manor.

"Mistress Malfoy, let me take the luggage for Miss Snape," A house elf said, taking the bags. Hopping out of Narcissa's arms, Ellia took in the familiar surroundings of the posh Malfoy's home. It was silent, almost scarily silent, however for some reason Ellia welcomed this feeling. She was used to it by now.

"Mother, the filthy house elf spilt red wine everywhere!" Draco called, running out into the hallway. His hair was gelled back, and his green robes where wrapped around him. As soon as he saw Ellia, his jaw dropped.

"Ellia!" He shouted, running up towards her.

"Hey Draco," She said. He securely wrapped his arms around her, embracing her.

"I didn't expect to see you here, I thought you where at Hogwarts, wait why aren't you at Hogwarts?" Draco questioned, stepping back and looking up at his mother.

"Something that isn't to concern you Draco right now," Narcissa said, walking away from the children.

"Did the Forbidden Forest scare you away?" Draco joked.

"No. I couldn't stay there for some reason, I'm here instead," Ellia distracted Draco, pointing at a fallen down portrait, "Why is that there?"

"I'm not sure. Anyway, let's go out to the garden, mothers letting me practise magic out there," Draco hurriedly said, grabbing Ellia's arms and dragging her to the Malfoy Manor's garden. The garden was filled with beautiful mazes and bunches of flowers, as well as dozens of Apple trees.

"It's beautiful here Draco," Ellia admired the land, before pulling out her own wand, like Draco did.

"So tell me, how was Hogwarts?" Draco asked Ellia.

"It was great, I met some really nice people, Aurora Grace and Panemia Ravenclaw," Ellia said, before casting a spell to make flowers move.

"Ravenclaw? Is she Helena Ravenclaw's great granddaughter?" Draco questioned her, catching the flower.

"Yes, she's in Ravenclaw too," Ellia excitedly said, making a the flower fly out of Draco's hand.

"Ravenclaw? It's alright that house, Slytherin's definitely the best," Draco declared, nodding his head.

"Slytherin? That's my father's house, I learnt my mothers house was Hufflepuff," Ellia told Draco.

"Yes your father's head of Slytherin, that's going to be my house, Slytherin. Just like my parents. But I'd be least impressed if I was placed into another house, even I'd disown myself if I was in Hufflepuff," Draco joked.

"But my mother, she was Hufflepuff, surely she was good, wasn't she?" Ellia insisted.

"I don't know. Hufflepuff sucks," Draco snarled.

"Oh, urm what about Gryffindor?" Ellia stuttered.

"Gryffindor? Ugh that house drives me mad, don't say you're in that house?" Draco asked Ellia, crushing the flower. Stepping back, Ellia lowered her head.

"Well," Ellia mumbled.

"You are!" Draco shouted, running off away from Ellia.

"Draco please!" Ellia called after him, running over to him.

"No you disgusting blood traitor, you might as well be one of those filthy mudbloods!" Draco shouted, running inside. Suddenly stopping, Ellia turned around and ran over to one of the mazes. Leant against the bush, she let her head fall into her hands, as well as the sobs escape her lips. Trickling down her cheeks, her tears kept running down her face as Ellia sobbed at Draco's behaviour. He was never like that to Ellia, is being in Gryffindor really that bad? How Ellia longed for the company or the warmth of her father, even if he was sour and cold. She hadn't seen him since last time and she missed him so much already. It was never like this normally, at least Lucius wasn't there. Getting up to go inside, Ellia felt somebody grab her shoulder. Startled, she shot around to see somebody familiar.

"Hello child, it seems we have some unfinished business," Parkinson sneered.

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