Chapter Fifteen : The Lost Gryffindor

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Pacing around the strip of corridor he was on duty in, Severus thought of possible reasons why he wasn't able to look into Ellia's mind. He hadn't yet been able to teach her Occulmency, and Albus wouldn't have either. Albus wasn't much of help in any of this confusion, Severus had asked him why but Albus simply replied she's dead. Yet there was a glowing light in Severus's heart that knew she wasn't. He could feel it beaming, like Ellia did when she'd been a young innocent child. At least now Ellia was being remembered by everybody who walked the corridors of Hogwarts. The portrait of her hung along the corridors, 'The Lost Gryffindor' captioned under the painting. Flowers and wreaths still lied on the floor, as well as a single rose left by an unknown person. Severus would past the painting each day, and each day he would look up at the skipping figure, and smile. At several times, Severus had thought that he'd seen Pansy there, even after everything she said. It seemed like she'd visit there, with Malfoy, and glance at the portrait for a couple of seconds before turning her head and walking away.

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