Chapter Twenty-Seven : The Love for a Father

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The day flew past in almost an instance, Ellia spending most of her time in the library with Hermione or in lessons. Her head was buried in a book about charms, Hermione mirroring her. For some reason, Ellia was still puzzled about Occulemency and Legilimency. Hermione, in fact, was helping her research for it, until 5pm came along.

"I must leave Hermione, my father wishes to see me," Ellia said, placing her book down.

"Really? Well I'll let you know if I find anything else Ellia, it's really intrigued me now," Hermione said, a smile parted across her lips.

"Say hello to Harry and Ron for me, will you?" Ellia asked her.

"Sure thing," Hermione said, picking up another book.

"Cheers," Ellia thanked her, before leaving the library. She sped along the ground, rushing to get to the Dungeons to see her father. She was late, that was for sure. But for some reason, she was puzzled as to why he wished to see her. It might just be because he wanted to spend time with her, but that's never been the case. As soon as she reached his quarters doors, she pushed open and almost fell into the room. Her father was stood beside the small dining table, his arms crossed.

"For starters, you're late," Her father started, his beady eyes scowling at Ellia, "And where have your manners gone? Since when were you aloud to barge into my private quarters, or any room." Ellia had a flush of guilt spread over her. Severus wasn't one of her 'mates', he was her father, and he expected higher standards from her.

"Sorry father, it won't happen again," Ellia apologised, before looking around her fathers quarters. Things had changed from when Ellia had came back, and that was just 3 days ago. Every photograph, magical or not, that was once in the room, had been taken down or put away. It stunned Ellia why he would have been packing them away.

"No it won't. Now come, sit," Her father said, taking hold of a plate in his hands from the kitchen side. Ellia stepped towards the table, before taking a place opposite to where her father would later sit. He served up the dish, which had a collection of carrots, broccoli, potatoes and a pie.

"Thank you," Ellia said, slowly starting to tuck into her food. Her father studied her as she cut her pieces up small, then took hold of them in her mouth and chewed them. It astonished him how neatly and polished his daughter ate, whereas he just ate it all in once.

"So how's classes going? I'm hoping potions is your best class still?" Severus asked his daughter, sitting down opposite her.

"Classes are going just fine thanks. So's potions," Ellia replied, not looking up to see her father.

"He's a good teacher, Professor Slughorn," Severus said, remembering when Slughorn used to teach him in Hogwarts.

"I know, he has a likening to me," Ellia shortly smiled, looking up at her father.

"Yes, he does," Severus agreed, still studying his daughter as she ate. She resembles him a lot, the long black hair, not greasy, but it had a glistening healthy shine to it.

"Why was it so important for me to come here tonight father?" Ellia questioned her father, finishing her dinner.

"Don't be rude Ellia. It was about time you and me spent some quality time as a family," Severus replied, to finishing his food. But he knew this would be the last time they would spend time as a family.

"But there's only two of us," Ellia said, startled.

"That doesn't mean we're not a family. Your mother used to say exactly the same before we had you," Severus sighed, images of his previous lover circling round his head.

"You've never even told me who she is though," Ellia was quick to reply,"And you've taken down all your photographs. I thought my mother was in one of them."

"Now Ellia, calm down. We are still at a dining table and what I do in my quarters is my decision, is that clear?" Severus begun raising his voice, angered by her curiousness.

"Yes father," Ellia sighed, lowering her head.

"Did you get the gift at the start of your first year?" Her father was quick to ask her, standing up.

"Yes, I did thank you," Ellia said, following her fathers footsteps.

"Good, use them when appropriate but not before. Good night Ellia," He said, motioning her to leave.

"Bye father," She sighed, exiting the quarters into the dungeons. A deathly like breeze flashed past Ellia as she made her way to the familiar staircase. A couple of steps later, Ellia finds herself stuck in between a swarming crowd of students.

"Ellia!" She heard somebody call, who she instantly recognised as Aurora. She grabbed the blondes arm, whilst Aurora dragged her out the crowd.

"It's a bit crowded!" Ellia shouted above the crowd, Aurora still pushing her way through the crowd.

"I know! Where were you?" Aurora asked her, still raising her voice to be heard.

"I had dinner at my fathers quarters, remember?"

"Oh yeah," Aurora replied, "Well Harry wasn't at the feast and neither was Dumbledore."

"What?" Ellia asked, finally tripping out the crowd. Auroras hair was tied up in a bun, and her robes were screwed up.

"They weren't at the feast. I have no idea where they are," Aurora said.

"Maybe Draco does," Ellia suggested.

"What's Draco going to know about Dumbledore and Harry? He hates Harry," Aurora said.

"I don't know, he just might," Ellia replied.

"Is this your excuse to see your boyfriend?" Aurora asked, a smile spread across her lips.

"Haha, no it's not unfortunately," Ellia smiled, thinking of Draco.

"Go find him, if you really want,"

"Okay, cheers Rora," Ellia chuckled, running back through the crowd.

"It's Aurora!" Aurora called back, but really she was too happy to care.

Instead of aiming for the common room, Aurora headed straight up to the Owlery. The owl was already there, clutching a letter secured with a dazzling read ribbon. "Cheers," she smiled, feeding the owl a treat to receive the letter. She was delicate when untying the ribbon, she didn't want damage it. Unfolding the letter, it read,

'Dear Miss Aurora Cecille Grace,

What a beautiful name you have for such a beautiful girl. I cannot honestly wait for the Summer, I'm missing you like made. Even George said he's missing you, Ron may have his golden trio but I've got my own trio.

Mum said she couldn't wait to see you again, she really liked you when she met you at Christmas. Dad likes you just as much as well. I'm hoping Bill and Fleur do, but you've already met Fleur so I'm taking it you two get along perfectly.

Everything is good at the shop, everything's running smoothly. I can't wait to see you, I love you.

Tell Ellia I can't wait to see her either. I can't believe she's back for good. It's been so long. And our secret, well mum found out. She found the secret in the shop quarters and at firsts she was angry with me, but then she wasn't. She was calm and happy because of it. She loved it very much. Just don't tell Ellia yet, I want it to be a surprise.

Your very best love,

Fred Weasley x'

Aurora hugged the letter. She was so happy for a reply from Fred, she missed him as much as he did her. But know Molly knew...

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