Chapter Fourteen : The Story of a Girl

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"She's dead Severus, they've announced it," Albus informed the distraught father.

"But they've found nothing. No body, no proof, no evidence," Severus argued back.

"It all unfortunately adds up Severus," Albus sighed.

"You said you would keep her safe. I trusted you, you promised me," Severus sobbed, the tears streaming down his face.

"Severus, I couldn't protect her whilst at Malfoy Manor, you are aware of this, are you not?" Albus questioned Severus.

"I didn't even say goodbye Albus," Severus sobbed, his head in his hands.

"Severus, you forget the past," Albus reminded him.

"I don't are about the past!" Severus suddenly shouted, "I care about the future! About my daughter! She's just a child!"

"Calm down Severus," Albus ordered, rising from his seat.

"How can I Albus?" Severus asked him. Suddenly, the door of the office slammed open, and in walked Minerva with Harry Potter.

"Headmaster may I speak to you?" Minerva asked Albus, not even glancing at Severus.

"Of course Minerva, Severus and I shall continue this conversation another day," Albus said.

"You don't have to headmaster, it was simply just regarding Mr Potter," Minerva said, looking down at the child.

"What date is it Minerva again?" Albus asked her.

"21st of September headmaster, why?" She replied.

"6 months Albus. She'd be ten now," Severus sighed, wiping his tears without even turning around to face Potter.

"Severus," Albus sighed, returning to his seat.

"This conversation doesn't need to go on any longer Albus," Severus snapped, before storming out of the room.

"What's the matter with him?" Minerva asked Albus, sitting down in the chair Severus had once sat in.

"He's not taking Ellia's death very well," Albus informed Minerva.

"I didn't expect he would, but it's not like Severus to show an emotional side. Normally he's so..." Minerva started.

"Blank?" Albus finished for her.

"Yes blank. Blank expressions. It seems hard to see him so upset," Minerva said.

"Ellia was his daughter though, and the only family he had left. It's not like he's see's his mother Eileen anymore," Albus reminded Minerva.

"Yes she was. And she was such a tragic loss to everybody," Minerva sighed.

"Who's Ellia?" Harry piped from the corner of the office.

"Oh Potter I forgot you where present," Minerva said, turning around to see the innocent 11 year old.

"Harry. You must not inform Professor Snape that you know of this information I'm about to tell you," Albus told the boy.

"I promise I won't headmaster," Harry promised.

"Come, sit," Albus offered, pointing at a chair opposite Minerva.

"Yes headmaster," Harry said, taking a seat opposite the two professors.

"Now Ellia Snape was one of the youngest students to attend Hogwarts, at the age of 9," Albus started.

"9? She must have been smart," Harry said.

"Yes she was, an exceptionally smart 9 year old," Minerva sighed.

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