Chapter Twenty-Nine : The Heartbreak

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The tears trickled down Ellia's face as her eyes set upon Dumbledore's fallen body. He lied there, so peaceful and delicate, yet a destructive story was behind it al. Ellia had ran away from her father as soon as the words escaped his lips. She'd bit her lip to hold back the tears but couldn't hold them in when she saw Dumbledore. He was the reason her father had stayed with her for so long. Dumbledore saved her, protected her. Severus didn't care.

"You were in on it the whole time. I bet you were," Harry hissed, just loud enough for Ellia and Hermione to hear.

"Harry," Hermione scolded him.

"No Hermione, she was in it the whole time. The whole kidnapping thing was a fraud for people to trust her," Harry accused Ellia, his voice slowly growing in pitch as he held back his tears.

"Harry, you're angry and upset. It was real... the kidnapping was real," Ellia argued, her voice trembling, "I wasn't in on any of it, and I had no idea. Why would I want him dead?"

"Snape is your father, he murdered Dumbledore," Harry replied, gritting his teeth.

"I am not my father," Ellis argued, wiping away a tear as she lowered her voice, "And it hurts that you think I am. He led me to believe he was a good man and he betrayed me, his daughter, by killing Dumbledore," Ellia argued.

"My parents are dead!" Harry argued back.

"Exactly. You didn't have bond with them, you couldn't and you didn't get that opportunity. But me? I loved my father, and I thought he loved me. But it turns out that was a lie as well, and my trust towards him has been broken as well. You're not the only one suffering," Ellia said, standing up and walking straight through the crowd and away from everybody.

"Harry," McGonagall whispered to the mourning boy, "Dumbledore cared for both of you two like you were his own. She is not to blame. She is not her father." McGonagall raise her wand, jets of blue light creeping out of it. Ellia continued walking back inside the castle, unable to keep her tears inside anymore. She dropped to the ground, the tears cascading down her cheeks. It made sense now why her father had packed everything up, he was leaving. How could she have been so stupid not to realise it? All that time and he was just pretending. Pretending to care.

Everybody had been to go home, and soon enough everybody knew of Dumbledore's death. Everybody was also quick to realise that Snape had been working for You Know Who all along, and that he was using his daughter to cover up his guiltiness without her knowing. Molly Weasley was quick to welcome her son and daughter home, as well as Snape's daughter. She cared for the girl like she was her own, but didn't quite understand why she was so calm around the Weasley family.

"Molly I must thank you for everything you've done for me these last couple of days, it means a lot," Ellia thanked Molly, embracing the mother.

"It's my pleasure Ellia, I never thought you would be this polite and calm," Molly said, sitting down.

"Well, I'll take all my anger out at his home, you see. And then I shall collect my belongings and leave, are you sure it's alright for me to stay here?" Ellia asked the mother.

"Of course it is, please let me know if you need any help," Molly told the girl, simply getting a quick nod as a reply before she apparated out of the Burrow. She left behind a small star shaped piece of paper in her tracks, though.

As soon as she reached Spinner's End, Ellia slipped her wand away and pulled her bag on to her shoulder. Walking towards the old house which was once occupied by a somewhat happy family, Ellia noticed a woman stood by the front door. As she approached the woman, she couldn't help but gasp at what state she was in.

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