Chapter Nine : The Last Cry

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Once Severus had explained to Lucius the situation, he apparated back inside Hogwarts, awaiting Dumbledore's return. Stood outside of the room where Ellia slept, Severus also waited patiently for her to awaken, yet she hadn't yet. Becoming impatient, Severus barged into the room only to find the bed empty and Ellia's luggage gone.

"Ellia!" Severus called, looking around the room. However it seemed abandoned. Rushing out of the room, Severus searched desperately around his quarters for his daughter, yet no luck struck him. Running out of his quarters, he ran to Minerva's office, hoping Ellia would be there.

"Severus, what a pleasant surprise," Minerva smiled, welcoming him into her office.

"Minerva this is no time for fun and games. Have you seen Ellia?" Severus demanded.

"Ellia? Well of course Severus, Dumbledore escorted her to Malfoy manor an hour ago with Miss Grace. Why, may I ask ?" Minerva explained to Severus.

"She's where? I didn't even get to say goodbye," Severus growled.

"Please remain calm Severus, I'm sure she is safe," Minerva assured him.

"Cover my classes please," Severus demanded, throwing some papers at Minerva and rushing out of the room. On the way, he saw Panemia and Aurora sat talking about classes.

"You two, follow me," he demanded, dragging them by the cloaks.

"Professor, please stop," Aurora whimpered, struggling for air. Halting, Severus dropped the pair.

"I need you two to find the Weasley twins and inform them of Ellia's transfer, immediately," Severus demanded, before apparating to Malfoy manor. Rushes of panic flowed through Severus's blood as he entered the mansion.

"Severus?" Narcissa called, coming into the hallway.

"Where is she? Where's Ellia?" Severus demanded.

"In the garden practising magic with Draco. Why may it concern you?" Narcissa questioned him.

"It's my daughter Narcissa. Now where in the garden?" Severus demanded, before seeing Draco run in.

"Ahh Draco, will you escort Severus to where you and Ellia are practising magic?" Narcissa asked her son.

"She's a Gryffindor," Draco panted, "A filthy Gryffindor."

"Don't speak of her like that, now where is she?" Severus snapped.

"She's outside sir, I left her as soon as I found out," Draco informed the man.

"Left her? Alone!" Severus shouted.

"Yes sir," Draco muttered, before Severus began running towards the garden.

"You stupid boy! She cannot be left alone after the attack!" Severus shouted. Draco turned to his mother.

"What attack?" He questioned her.

"A Slytherin, Patricia Parkinson, was expelled and sent to Azkaban for attacking Ellia and leaving her seriously harmed. Patrick Parkinson, her father, is after Ellia," Narcissa explained to her son.

"What, I feel so bad," Draco sighed, before hearing Ellia scream.

Outside, Parkinson had Ellia by the throat just as Severus ran outside.

"Oi Snape, is this your venom?" Parkinson sneered.

"Hand her over Parkinson," Severus snapped.

"No can do, you see she got my eldest daughter in prisoned, so I'll make her pay!" Parkinson snapped, tightening his grip around Ellia as she whimpered.

"Severus, what's ... Ellia!" Narcissa called, running to Severus's side, Draco trailing along behind her.

"Let her go," Severus begged in a threatening voice.

"No," Parkinson sneered, before Severus pulled out his wand.

"Let her go now," Severus demanded. Making his grip on Ellia even tighter, Parkinson cheered.

"No can do," he laughed, before running off.

"Father!" Ellia called, trying to break free.

"I'm coming !" Severus shouted, running to his daughter.

"Shut it child," Parkinson said, kicking her head.

"Daddy..." she whimpered, before her limbs fell and she was no longer conscious.

"Ellia!" Severus screamed, before Parkinson apparated. Collapsing to his knees, Severus let people view a side of him nobody ever had before. His sad side. Narcissa stood in shock as she watched Severus, the harsh blank faced man she had always known to be emotionless, break down and cry. With actual tears.

"Severus, maybe you should alert Lucius, he works with Patrick," Narcissa suggested.

"No Narcissa," Severus snapped, before suddenly apparating. Draco's eyes did t leave where Ellia last was, the guilt was spreading around him as he was struck by reality. Ellia was gone. She was gone because she had been left alone, unprotected. And that was his fault.

Severus ran into Dumbledore's office, disturbing him and McGonagall.

"He's got her!" Severus snapped.

"What Severus?" Dumbledore asked, confused.

"Parkinson, he's got Ellia," Severus snapped. Rising from his chair, Dumbledore clutched onto his wand. McGonagall's expression was shocked.

"When and where?" Dumbledore questioned Severus.

"Just minutes ago Albus at Malfoy Manor, he was there, waiting. He knew she would be there," Severus snapped.

"We must find her Albus, who knows what danger she's in," McGonagall demanded.

"Yes, the Parkinson house. We must start there, and find her," Dumbledore said, walking over to Severus.

"Albus I'll accompany you," McGonagall said, standing up.

"Yes McGonagall, very well. Severus, you must stay here and remain calm," Dumbledore said.

"No Albus. Has it not reached your concern yet that Ellia is my daughter," Severus reminded Albus.

"Severus, Ellia was also Annailia's daughter," Dumbledore reminded the Professor.

"Annailia is dead," Severus snapped, "I cannot let the same happen to our daughter."

"I will assure you of her safety. However for now I insist that you stay here," Dumbledore demanded, now stood beside McGonagall.

"If she is dead, Albus, I will solemnly blame you," Severus snapped, before turning on his heal and exiting the office. His heart was racing, no matter how hard he didn't want to, he had to stay put in Hogwarts. He just couldn't bear the thought of Ellia being hurt.

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