Chapter Twenty-Eight : The Betrayal

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A sudden rumble that rolled throughout the castle stopped Ellia in her tracks. Suddenly scanning the area around her, she noticed that for some reason nobody was longer behind her, or around her. The corridor was empty and for some reason she felt unsafe. Heart thumping from fear, Ellia started running to the first place she could find, The Astronomy Tower. But as she sped down the hallways, a familiar face met hers.

"Look who we have here," Bellatrix sneered, hackling. The two behind her were not recognisable to Ellia, but she could tell they were Death Eaters. Trying to run away from the trio, Ellia belted it down a nearby staircase, running straight into another Death Eater. Before he could grab her, she pushed him out of the way and continued running until she got to Minerva's quarters.

"Professor!" She battered against the door, trying to awaken the deputy headmistress. "Professor!" She shouted once more, before the door swung open.

"What in the world are you..." Minerva started, before Ellia interrupted her.

"There's Death Eaters in the castle. Bellatrix Lestrange," Was all Ellia had to say before Minerva grabbed her long robe and wand.

"Ellia, go and alert your father whilst I send an owl to the Order," Minerva said, pushing past the teenage girl. Ellia had no time to think about anything, she ran straight to her father's quarters and barged straight in. But for once, his stern words of scoldings wasn't there to greet her. He wasn't even in sight.

"Father!" Ellia shouted, running through the quarters, "Father!" He wasn't anywhere to be seen, the quarters was empty. Literally. It had seemed that her father had gotten rid of everything except the things in Ellia's room. There was no more banners, no more furniture. Just a wardrobe, crib and bed. Stunned but not silenced, Ellia ran out the quarters and up a flight of stairs, only to be greeted by somebody she cared about so much.

"Ellia," Remus said, his wand dropping to the floor as he ran to the girl. For a split second,Ellia forgot about the search for her father. She was too untwined about seeing Remus again. Her arms wrapped around his neck as Remus spun the little girl around.

"Lupin Remus," Ellia smiled, letting Remus put her down.

"Look how big you've got. You just get taller all the time," Remus smiled, memories of her mother in his head.

"Enough about me, you don't look a day over 30," Ellia joked, before a purple haired girl who Ellia remembered as Tonks, joined Remus.

"Oh Tonks, this is Ellia," Remus introduced the two to each other, an instant bond built.

"Your goddaughter that you never stop talking about? God she does look like her mother and father, her father especially," Tonks said, studying the girl. Ellia gasped as soon as she heard the small fact about herself being Remus's goddaughter, but she just shook it off her shoulder. She would have to for now.

"The Death Eaters were all near the Astronomy Tower, I'm going to check it," Ellia said, starting to run before Remus grabbed her arm.

"You're not going anywhere. You need to go and find Harry, and then return to the Gryffindor dormitory," Remus ordered, his words piercing Ellia's goals.

"What?" Ellia asked, slightly annoyed by Remus's arrogance, "I'm not doing that. I'm going to fight."

"No you're not Ellia, you'll get hurt. Your father would agree with me this once," Remus said, concerned about the girls wealth fare if she was to fight.

"I don't care if I'll get hurt Remus. I have to fight," Ellia argued, crossing her eyebrows.

"Ellia, please. Remember what happened last time?" Remus asked her, dragging back a dozen memories of the year before hand. They poisoned Ellia's blood with hatred, guilt and anger. A man had been killed back then, but it wasn't her fault.

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