Chapter Thirteen : The Gonner

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"She's just a child Patrick," a women said.

"A little rat of a child as well," Patrick snarled.

"Patrick! Do you not think you have put Severus Snape through enough, you already killed his wife, his sister in-law and now kidnapped his daughter," the women snapped at her husband.

"But Ria.." Patrick started.

"Don't Ria me, it's Lunaria to you. If you don't take the innocent child back to Severus or at least Albus Dumbledore or set her free, then I'm taking Pansy and leaving you," Lunaria snapped at her husband. Patrick sighed, before grabbing his mug and taking a sip of his strong coffee.

"Lunaria, you know I cannot do that after all Severus has done," Patrick sighed.

"He's done nothing! Neither has his daughter!" Lunaria snapped at him.

"Yes he has! He's betrayed the Dark Lord!" Patrick shouted.

"Does that matter!" Lunaria shouted, "She's just a helpless child!"

"She got Patricia put in Azkaban!" Patrick shouted back.

"Patricia attacked her Patrick," Lunaria reminded him.

"I do not care, this is my way of hurting Severus Snape. I'll kill him next time!" Patrick shouted.

"And leave her an orphan? You and that stupid Dolohov have already killed her mum!" Lunaria shouted.

"She was protecting him!" Patrick shouted.

"What if it was Pansy! What if it was Pansy that had been kidnapped!" Lunaria shouted.

"It's not!" Patrick screeched.

"It's the same principle! Take her back to Severus!" Lunaria shouted.

"Where's my father?" Ellia squeaked from back in the corner.

"Shut it rat," Patrick snapped.

"Patrick she is only 9. If you don't return her home I'm leaving, now," Lunaria shouted.

"I'm not taking her back!" Patrick screeched.

"Mum, dad?" Pansy asked for the door way. Her eyes wandered over to Ellia's broken body and her blood stained head.

"Pansy go pack you things," Lunaria demanded.

"But mum," Pansy started.

"Just do as I say please Pansy, your dad is being a selfish git," Lunaria sighed.

"Yes mum," Pansy said, running out the room.

"Ria please don't," Patrick said, grabbing her arm.

"Let her go," Lunaria snapped, shaking her arm free then walking out the room.

"You!" Patrick snapped, pointing at Ellia,"My wife now is leaving me because of you! You absolute piece of filth!" Swinging his fists at her, Patrick punched Ellia right around the face, before kicking her ribs.

"Please don't," Ellia whimpered, tears streaming down her face. Patrick's cold eyes stared straight into Ellia's dead eyes, before he picked her up by her collar.

"You might as well be a mudblood," Patrick spat, before throwing Ellia to the ground. Whimpering and crying in pain, Ellia huddled up into a ball. She longed for her father's touch.

"Mum!" Pansy screamed, seeing Ellia on the floor. Patrick darted towards his daughter, but she was quick enough to draw her wand.

"Pansy, put it away," He ordered her.

"No dad, you'll hurt me too," Pansy whispered.

"I won't, I love you," Patrick said.

"If you did then you would let the girl free and not hurt her!" Pansy spat, before Lunaria came running in.

"Pansy are you ... Patrick what did you do to her?!" Lunaria shouted at her husband, seeing Ellia on the floor.

"She deserved it," Patrick snarled, facing his wife.

"No Patrick, you deserve the Dementors Kiss," Lunaria spat in her husbands face. Without thinking, Patrick lifted his hand and slapped his wife around the face.

"Dad!" Pansy screamed, shocked by her father's actions. Patricia had taken after her father, Pansy always knew it. Sometimes she hoped she wouldn't, but deep down she knew she would.

"Shut up Pansy!" Patrick snapped. Backing away from her husband, Lunaria grabbed her now crying daughters hand.

"You're a monster Patrick. We're through. Don't ever try talking to me or Pansy again. You can go live in Azkaban with your up to no good daughter Patricia. She's not my bitch to deal with anyway," Lunaria snapped, before apparating away with Pansy. Ellia tried to stay quiet, but she couldn't. The pain throbbed through her body too much, and she kept blacking out. The last things her eyes saw was Patrick fall to the ground, his head in his hands.

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