Chapter Twenty-Four : The Malfoy to my Snape

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They'd been sat in the classroom for ten minutes now, and yet both Katie and Ellia, as well as the rest of the class, where still awaiting for Slughorn's arrival.

"Oi, Ellia!" Somebody called. Ellia's ears twitch crd at the sound of the voice, he hadn't spoken to her in quite a while. In fact, he was the reason she was left alone with Parkinson.

"Draco," Ellia said, spinning around to see the blonde beauty stood with Pansy and Crabbe.

"What do you want Malfoy," Katie spat, but Ellia was quick to hold her back.

"It doesn't concern you Bell. I wanted to make sure Ellia was fully recovered," Draco snapped at Katie.

"I'm fine," Ellia sighed, watching her two friends fight.

"That's great Ellia. I'll speak to you after class, alone," Draco said, before walking off. Crabbe and Pansy followed him, but Pansy quickly shot a quick glance at Ellia. She feared everything now, her dad was on the run and Ellia could easily slip up his location any day. But that was fine with Pansy, her father was awful, truly terrible. He deserved everything he got.

"What's the Slytherin King want with you?" Katie asked Ellia.

"I don't know. I swear he hated me," Ellia said, puzzled. The door swung open and Slughorn came in, lightly and delicately, all most the opposite of Ellia's father.

"Erh good morning class, today we'll be learning about the Sleeping Draught, as our new student is unlikely to know about them," Slughorn started, glancing quickly over to Ellia. But she did know about them. In fact, she knew how to perfectly make a sleeping draught with her eyes closed.

"Sir, I do know how to make them actually," Ellia replied, the rest of the students suddenly lying their eyes on her.

"Oh, well that's great then. I suppose you wouldn't mind showing us?" Slughorn asked his student.

"Sure thing," Ellia replied, before spending the rest of the lesson showing them how she made a Sleeping Draught and how she made it perfect.

"Excellent work Miss Snape, 20 points to Gryffindor," Slughorn congratulated Ellia at the end of the class, before pouring the potion into a vial.

"Thanks sir," Ellia thanked him before starting to walk of. However, he clasped onto her shoulder and spun her around.

"Take it," He said, handing her the vial, "You might need it at some point in the future." Ellia grabbed the vial and slipped it into her robes pocket.

"Thank you sir," she thanked him, before exiting the classroom. Katie was leant up against the wall outside the classroom, waiting for her.

"C'mon potion queen, lets go find Aurora," Katie said, jumping away from the wall. Ellia looked around before noticing Draco waiting for her.

"I.. I can't right now Katie. But I will soon, tell Aurora I said hi," She said, before running off over to Draco. His hands were in his pockets, and his back was too pressed up against a wall. His long hair had grown out of its gel phase, and now it hung loosely over his pale skin.

"You made it," He smiled, looking over at Ellia.

"I don't like to bail out on people, even if they are Slytherin," Ellia replied, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, I'm Slytherin. So what?" Draco asked.

"Well considering you made success a big thing about me being Gryffindor and then left me all alone," Ellia started, her eyes looking at her brogues.

"You're still angry about that?" Draco asked her, suddenly standing up straight. Over the past years, he'd shot up, and now was way taller than Ellia.

"No, I'm just kidding," Ellia chuckled.

"Course you were," Draco rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me mister,"

"Oh imma sorry," Draco sarcastically said, before throwing his head back and laughing.

"It's good to be home," Ellia smiled.

"It's good to have my best friend back," Draco replied, before all fell silent. They could both hear footsteps edging closer and closer to them, so Draco grabbed Ellia's hand and dragged her inside a closet. He placed a single finger over her plump lips, silencing her. The footsteps grew louder and louder.

"Funny, I thought I heard laughter," The two students heard Filch say, before his footsteps grew quieter and quieter.

"That's was close," Draco whispered.

"Yeah, thanks for pulling me in here.I have hardly any room to breathe," Ellia said, as her body was pressed against the wall with Draco leaning on to her.

"Oh shut it Gryffindor, you like it really," Draco said, leaning in closer to Ellia.

"Oh you stop it Slytherin," Ellia chuckled, before her voice was broken silent. Draco had pressed his lips against hers, and for a moment, it took her by surprise. He kissed her. He was kissing her. And she didn't stop kissing him. In fact, she couldn't think of anything else that she wanted to do at the specific moment except from kiss him. But there's always something that ruins the moment. Suddenly, a large bang erupted against the closet door from the outside, and Ellia and Draco pulled apart.

"Get out Draco and Ellia," A harsh snap said, and Ellia already knew who it was... Her father. She quickly inhaled, before pushing the door wide open and stepping out. Draco trailed along behind her.

"Sorry sir," Ellia sighed, lowering her head. She couldn't even face her father, she'd hardly spoken to him since returning. Now he just caught her kissing Draco.

"You should know better Ellia not to be hanging around after lessons kissing a boy that you haven't seen in years in a broom closet," Her father scolded her. Peering up, her eyes became set on his obsidian eyes.

"He's my best friend," she pleaded, "Of course I would because I missed him."

"No excuses. As punishment you will loose 45 points from Gryffindor," Her father scolded her.

"Yes sir," She sighed, beginning to walk away.

"As for you Draco, what have I said.." She heard her father scold, but she was by now quick enough to miss the rest of the conversation. Trust him to barge in and ruin the moment. Because for a split second, Ellia's heart was beating fast enough, and for a moment, a single moment, she wanted him. She wanted him to be hers.

"Hey, Ellia!" Aurora called, running over to Ellia with Katie. She tilted her head up slightly, still annoyed at her father.

"Hey guys," she said, joining the pair.

"Where have you been?" Katie asked her.

"I had to talk to Draco, remember?" Ellia reminded her, Katie nodding her head in agreement.

"Draco? What did he want?" Aurora spat.

"To check if I was alright. We're actually really close, before I.."

"You and Draco kissed, didn't you?" Aurora interrupted Ellia. It was almost like she could read her mind.

"Yes," Ellia muttered, looking into Aurora's deep blue eyes.

"Oh El, really? Draco?" Katie asked Ellia.

"Yes, I just, I suppose I like him. I can't say anything really though, I've only just returned," Ellia sighed.

"Just get with him," Aurora said, surprising Ellia.

"What? I thought you hated him?" Katie asked Aurora.

"I do, but if Ellia doesn't, well then, it's alright," Aurora said.

"Thanks guys, really. But I've got to go, I need to see somebody," Ellia said, before running off. To her friends though, this wasn't new.

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