Chapter Two : The Lupin to my Remus

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Ellia awoke the next morning to find herself tucked up in her fathers bed instead of her own. She could have sworn she fell asleep in her own room instead of her fathers. Sitting up, she noticed her father stood by the doorframe. He had been there all night, watching over Ellia. However, she didn't know it.

"Father, why am I in here and not my own bedroom?" Ellia politely asked her father. Sighing, Severus stepped into his green painted bedroom. Ellia was lying in the middle of his four poster double bed, under his green sheets.

"You woke up screaming Ellia, so I brought you here. You slept sound asleep for the rest of the night," Severus explained to Ellia, sitting down in the chair beside her.

"Oh. Thank you very much father, but have you slept?" Ellia asked her father, looking into his dark eyes.

"Yes. I slept in my arm chair for the rest of the night," Severus lied, hiding a yawn.

"That's good then," Ellia said, smiling innocently.

"Your breakfast is downstairs on the table for you. I have to go out today to Gringotts, I'll bring you with me so we can get your belongings for Hogwarts," Severus told his daughter.

"Okay, I'll go into my bedroom and find some clothes father," Ellia said excitedly.

"There is already done laid out on your bed," Severus said, before Ellia hopped out of bed.

"I'm sorry I awoke you last night father," Ellia apologised.

"It is fine Ellia," Severus insisted, tucking a strand of Ellia's black hair behind her ears.

"I won't do it again, I promise," Ellia promised him. Severus smiled at the child's attempt to apologise.

"It's fine Ellia. Now go and get dressed then eat your breakfast," He said, pointing towards the door.

"Yes father," Ellia replied, skipping out of the room.

"And be quick," Severus said as she skipped along the corridor. Abruptly standing up, Severus started walking down stairs and into his study. Scurrying around, the house elves tidied up Severus's paperwork that he had left scattered across the room. Picking up Ellia's Hogwarts Acceptance letter, he folded it up and slipped it into his pocket. The owl had came the previous night before Ellia had woken up screaming, and Severus had put her in his bed. Dumbledore had sent it early as she was enrolling before her birthday. Hearing Ellia skip down the stairs, Severus quickly rushed out of the study, only to see Ellia stood at the bottom of the stairs. Her hair was in little sausage ringlets, and she was wearing a white shirt under a navy blue dress. Just what Severus picked out.

"Your breakfast is already served in the kitchen table," Severus informed Ellia. Happily, Ellia skipped into the kitchen, and sat down in her usual seat. In front of her, where some grape pancakes where placed on the table. Politely picking up her knife and fork, Ellia cut her pancakes in half and ate them, the bursts of flavour exploding in her mouth. Taking a sip of milk from the glass beside her, Ellia gave her finished plate to the house elves in exchange for her coat. Watching her struggle to put her coat on, Severus pulled the coat over Ellia's small body before letting her do it up.

"Thank you father," Ellia muttered, doing up her buttons. All Severus did was grunt. Ellia lowered her little head and exited the room, only to hear somebody knocking at the door.

"I'll get it," She cheered, hoping it would be somebody she knew. As she pulled the old door open, Narcissa and Draco stood on the doorstep.

"Hello sweetheart, is your father in?" Narcissa asked Ellia. Excitedly, she replied,

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