Chapter Ten : The Noseyness

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By the time Severus had even made it down the spiral staircase that led up to Dumbledore's office, he was already bombarded with questions from the Weasley twins, Aurora and Panemia.

"Professor, where's Ellia?" Fred asked Severus, blocking his way.

"It is none of your business where my daughter is," Severus snapped, trying to get to his office.

"We know she's at Malfoy Manor sir, but we couldn't help but overhear the conversation about her going missing," Aurora honestly said. Staring at the child, Severus snarled at her.

"Such honesty from a Gryffindor. 50 points for snooping around and listening into people's conversations that do not involve you," Severus snapped at the group.

"It's our business to sir. She's our best friend," Panemia snapped back.

"Miss Ravenclaw do I have to take points from your house too?" Severus asked her.

"No sir," Panemia sighed.

"Very well then. Ellia is safe where she is," Severus lied. He knew she wasn't but he couldn't risk the group of friends knowing about how much danger she is in.

"That's a lie sir! And you know it!" Panemia shouted.

"Miss Ravenclaw 50 points for raising your voice at me. Now, you shall forget about the Ellia situation and carry on as if you know nothing, okay!" Severus snapped at them all.

"Yes sir," they all sighed, lowering theirs heads.

"And I'll see you all in detention, tonight at 7," Severus snapped, before walking off.

"Stupid old git," George muttered, walking away with the group.

"We have to find out what happened to Ellia," Panemia said.

"You're right Mia, but how do we do it without old Snivellous finding out?" questioned George.

"We have detention at 7 tonight, maybe if we use the floo powder in Professor Dumbledore's office, we could get to Malfoy Manor," Fred suggested.

"We can't do that though, it's breaking the rules," Aurora argued.

"But it's all we can do to find Ellia, we have to," Panemia said.

"Is there not a better way? Plus we have detention at 7 tonight, we'd have to be back by then," Aurora argued.

"Well then Aurora, you can stay here with Fred, so Snivellous doesn't get suspicious of us," George suggested.

"And me and George would be back by 7 for the detention with Snape," Panemia said.

"Fine. I can't believe I'm agreeing to this, but its for Ellia. We must help her," Aurora sighed.

Pacing around his office, Severus wondered where Parkinson would've taken Ellia. And how he got her or even knew where she was. Somebody must have betrayed them, yet even Lucius said he'd protect Ellia despite his long lasting hate for her, as she was Annailia's child. Knocking Severus out of his thoughts, he heard a knock at his door, and Filch cowardly walked in.

"Sir," he started.

"What is it Filch," Severus snapped, pausing in front of his fireplace.

"The Weasley boy and The Blonde Gryffindor, they're wondering around the corridors speaking about Ellia sir, shall I bring them to you? They said something about going to find her tonight sir," Filch informed her.

"What," Severus snapped.

"I think they're going to find her," Filch started, "And is it true? Is she really gone?"

"Yes you blithering idiot. Now mind out of my way before they go anywhere," Severus demanded, storming out of his office.

Standing inside Dumbledore's office, George and Panemia each threw some flow powder over them, before saying 'Malfoy Manor'. As soon as they knew it, they where stood inside Malfoy Manor's main fireplace, with a small blonde haired boy and a women beside him.

"Is this Malfoy Manor?" Panemia said, stepping out of the fireplace.

"It sure is. And why might you Hogwarts students be here?" The women asked.

"To see if Ellia was here," George said, following Panemia.

"They have a search party for her, and the whole manor has been searched. I can assure you Ellia is not here," The women told the two students.

"Oh," Panemia sighed.

"Who are you anyway?" The women asked.

"I'm Panemia Ravenclaw, and this is George Weasley," Panemia introduced themselves.

"Ginger hair? I should've known that you're a Weasley. My Lucius doesn't like your family very much," The women told them.

"Who are you?" Panemia asked her.

"Narcissa Malfoy, and this is my son Draco. He's starting Hogwarts next year," Narcissa introduced her and her son.

"Did Ellia come here often?" George asked Narcissa.

"Yes, very often. I was her best friend," Draco answered for his mother.

"We're her best friends to, and Aurora Grace, and Fred Weasley," Panemia told them.

"She doesn't hang out in the good groups then like Slytherin," Draco snarled.

"It was a girl from Slytherin who attacked her," Panemia snapped.

"Well we have no idea where she is, we've already had Professor Dumbledore and the other women here today, I think they're out in the garden. Do they know you're here?" Narcissa asked the pair.

"No, so we better get going," George said, grabbing Panemia's hand and dragging her into the fireplace.

"Hogwarts Castle," Panemia said, before they saw themselves stood in Dumbledore's office again. Luckily, nobody was in there. Rushing out of the office, the two students got halfway to the dungeons before they saw Snape.

"Come for your detention?" He asked the pair.

"Yes sir," Panemia sighed. It was the last thing she wanted to do at this time of night, especially with Ellia missing.

"Good. And may I suggest that you do not go around snooping to find Ellia. She doesn't need you help," Snape shouted, scaring the pair.

"Yes sir," George mumbled, following him to detention. He grabbed onto Panemia, before meeting Aurora and Fred.

"Now, I understand you are all close to Ellia, however I must demand that you do not try finding her. It is dangerous and she will be found soon enough," Snape told the group.

"Sir, you haven't given up already, have you?" Aurora asked the Professor.

"I wouldn't give up on my only daughter," Snape snapped.

"Yes sir," Aurora sighed.

"Now you are dismissed from detention, however if this occurs again, I will not threat to give you another detention. Now go!" Severus snapped, before entering his private quarters. Looking over at a photo of Ellia and Annailia, Severus collapsed onto the couch, his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry," he sobbed, "I'll find her Annailia. I promise."

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