A/N *Warning Contains Spoilers*

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I haven't done one of these ever, but these will occur when there's something important to say. Right now,the important thing is that after writing this short book for 4-5 months I can say that it is completed. The sequel is in the making and the first chapter will be published soon enough. I have to say I've enjoyed writing this fan fiction, no matter how bad the quality of writing is. I can't wait to complete the sequel, I've already wrote some chapters in advance for it, and to say there is some plot twists is an understatement.

Now this is were you guys come in handy, I need your opinion. Do you like the character Ellia and her backstory (as much as you know of it). Adding on to the other characters that I've created, do you like them. I thought I'd conduct a profile of the ones I've created, so you guys are clear of their stories.

Name : Aurora Cecile Grace
Blood Status : Muggle Born
Partner : Fred Weasley
Age : 18
Relationship to Ellia : Best Friend
SPECIAL FACTS : She and Fred have a daughter

Name : Panemia Helena Ravenclaw
Blood Status : Pure Blood
Partner : *None*
Age : 18
Relationship to Ellia : Best Friend
SPECIAL FACTS : She is related to Helena and Rowena Ravenclaw, and the Bloody Baron.

Name : Patricia Belle Parkinson
Blood Status : Pure Blood
Partner : *None*
Age : 22
Relationship to Ellia : Enemy
SPECIAL FACTS : Her mother was one of Voldemort's victims

Name : Patrick Parkinson
Blood Status : Pure Blood
Partner : Divorced Lunaria Parkinson neè Grayson, Unknown Woman deceased
Age : 45
Relationship to Ellia : Enemy, Kidnapper
SPECIAL FACTS : *None cause he's not special*

Name : Lunaria Parkinson neè Grayson
Blood Status : Pure Blood
Partner : Divorced Patrick Parkinson
Age : 37
Relationship to Ellia :*Not Specified*
SPECIAL FACTS : Named after a flower

The other characters in this book belong to J.K Rowling and so does the basic plot of the books without Ellia Snape.

I cannot thank you readers enough because without you I wouldn't have wrote or completed this book. Thank You so much !!!!!!!!!!!

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