Chapter Sixteen : The Black Of the White

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4 Years Later......

Sirius Black patrolled the forests surrounding Hogwarts on a regular basis, however hidden undercover. It was one day that has stunned him, when a girl, aged 13, had approached him, her long. Straight hair flowing to her waist.

"Hello," She greeted the dog, stroking his head. Sirius was confused, nobody usually petted him or even spoke to him. Maybe she didn't know who he was.

"Your a cute little dog, but very dirty. Its a bit like me, my caretaker doesn't know I'm out here, in the forest. Well he does, we're camping about a mile away. He's put enchantments around the whole forest though so I can't step foot out of it. You're so lucky you can. I really miss my friends, and my father. I miss my best friends, they where the best friends I could ever have asked for. My father, he seems like a sour man but deep down I know he has a warm loving heart, I don't understand why people don't get this. Professor Dumbledore, he always cared for me and Professor McGonagall. I miss them," The young girl sighed. Sirius was confused, he didn't understand what the girl could possibly be talking about. The only sour man Sirius was knew was Severus Snape, and his daughter was dead.

"Ellia!" Somebody called, shocking the girl.

"I must go, be safe,"" The girl whimpered, before running off. Ellia. The name circled Sirius's head, he had heard that name before when he was in Azkaban. Patricia Parkinson always screamed it, shouting 'rat' as well. Ellia. Her name was Ellia Snape. Snape's daughter was not dead. She was alive, in the flesh. And Sirius Black had just witnessed her first sighting since she was originally believed as dead.

Sirius stood looming over Harry, Remus at his side. He finally had his trusting friend back, and his god son. Yet for some reason, Ellia Snape's face still circled his mind.

"Sirius, are you alright?" Remus asked him.

"Yes I'm fine, just something in my mind," replied Sirius.

"What?" Harry asked, looking up at his godfather.

"Ellia Snape," Sirius muttered.

"Ellia?" Remus snapped his head to the side, looking at Sirius.

"Yes. I've met her," Sirius said, looking at the Forbidden Forest.

"How? When? She's dead," Remus said, following Sirius's gaze.

"Last month in the Forbidden Forest, she was called away though," Sirius revealed.

"Did she actually tell you her name?" Remus questioned Sirius.

"No the person calling her did. I recognised the name from Azkaban, Patricia Parkinson was always screaming it," Sirius told his friend.

"Ellia Snape, that's Professor Snape's kid, right?" Harry asked his godfather and Professor.

"Yes. Good old Snivellous had a daughter with somebody whilst I was being tormented in Azkaban," Sirius sighed.

"Well at least you're out now Sirius, a good innocent man deserves to be out of Azkaban. Somebody like Patrick Parkinson deserves to be in it instead," Remus said.

"Yes he does," Sirius sighed, "But he's not."

"He should be. After all the torture he's put everybody through, he deserves the Dementors Kiss," Harry snarled.

"Now Harry we mustn't be harsh, if what Sirius said is true, then we can capture Parkinson and punish him. But not with death," Remus said, calming the boy.

2 Years Later........

"Why are we doing this?" Aurora asked Luna, her heart rushing.

"We're getting them for Harry, Togo the ministry Rora," Luna said, petting the creatures.

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