Chapter Three : The Twins

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After about hours on end of pushing Ellia on a swing, Remus Lupin suddenly stopped.

"We have to go back to your father," Lupin said, his eyes resting on the darkening sky above him.

"Why Mr Lupin Remus?" Ellia questioned him as she jumped off of the swing, puzzled.

"Because he wants to see you and take you home dearie," Lupin said, scooping Ellia up and carrying her out of the park.

"I wish you could stay," Ellia mumbled, her eyes on the floor.

"I wish I could too Ellia, but I can't. I must return home," Lupin explained to the little girl and they approached The Leaky Cauldron.

"How long away is that?" Ellia asked him as he pushed the door open.

"A long way away. Too far away for you," Lupin sighed.

"Then why are you here then? Why aren't you home?" She questioned him, before spotting her father.

"I'm not quite sure myself yet," Remus sighed, putting Ellia down as Severus advanced closer to him.

"It's about time," He snarled at Lupin.

"She'll sleeping night peacefully, she's probably exhausted," Lupin replied, looking down at Ellia as she yawned.

"Well thank you, I suggest you drink your wolfsbane tonight," Severus scowled, before Remus apparated out of the pub.

"Come Ellia, we must return home," Severus said, taking hold of her little hand.

Once Ellia was fast asleep, Severus took up his spare time by reading through Lucius's death threats. They where all about Ellia; How he wanted her dead, how she reminded him of her mother sometimes etc. Severus couldn't bare the thought of loosing Ellia, even if he didn't quite understand her properly. He knew what it was like to be alone, and that was a strong feeling he never wished for Ellia to express. He knew it would scar her delicate heart for life, just like his was after the death of Lily. That's why he had to separate her and Draco, he knew if they got even closer she'd end up hurt, even more than he was. Narcissa understands, but even then she finds it hard to bare the thought of her son and Ellia unhappy. Then Remus came along. After everything that he experienced at Hogwarts, Severus never once thought that he would let Remus Lupin take care of his daughter. However, he did. And that's what puzzled Severus, why he was able to let Lupin take care of his daughter.

Springing from her bed, Ellia quickly wrapped her dressing gown around her fragile body and made her way over to her window. Climbing up onto the seat in front of her window, Ellia forced open her pink spotted blind, revealing beautiful Rays of sunshine. Happily, Ellia jumped off of the seat, before pulling out her favourite grey robes and changing into it. After brushing her hair, Ellia exited her room to see a house elf coming up to her.

"Mistress Snape, I do believe it was I who was supposed to get you dressed," The house elf said politely.

"That doesn't matter sir. I'm dressed now. Is my father awake?" Ellia asked the elf.

"Of course. He's downstairs, he has just finished packing both of your belongings to go to Hogwarts," The elf explained to Ellia.

"Thank you kind elf," Ellia said, whilst skipping of downstairs. Two suitcases where leaning up against the front door, and on top of them was a green rucksack. As Ellia pottered into the living room, she noticed her father say in his usual arm chair, reading the usual Daily Prophet. Eager to leave, Ellia rushed putting her little black sandals on before wrapping a matching black rope to hers father around her.

"I'm ready," Ellia excitedly said, beaming. Severus peered up from his newspaper, and saw his daughter stood their.

"Finally. Now as you'll be joining the school as a student, you shall have to take the Hogwarts Express, or you can apparated to outside of the school gates with me and wait for the Hogwarts Express to arrive before you get sorted into a house," Severus have his daughter the choice.

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