Chapter Twenty-Three : The Looney Letter

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Katie must have thrown a small blanket over Ellia once she'd gone to sleep, as she awoke entangled in a fleecy blanket. Opening her eyes, she looked around her to see several Gryffindor students all dressed in their robes, awaiting for breakfast. Yanking the blanket off of her, Ellia realised she was only in her pyjamas and Hogwarts robe. Suddenly jumping up, she ran upstairs to where her room was before, and got changed before returning downstairs to see Aurora stood chatting to Katie, Hermione, Ron and Ginny.

"Hey guys, where's Harry?" she asked them, startled where he might be.

"He'll be down in a minute, he was just writing a letter to Remus," Ron answered.

"Remus Lupin?" Ellia questioned the group.

"Yeah," Ginny replied.

"Is there any chance I could owl him later using one of your owls?" She asked the group.

"Sure, you can use Ace," Aurora offered.

"Thanks Rora," Ellia smiled, thanking her best friend.

"It's Aurora," She chuckled, the rest of the group joining in.

"Oh and Ellia, you sleep like a dead person by the way," Katie joked, reminding Ellia of their meeting last night.

"Haha, thanks Katie," Ellia laughed, before taking a hair band off of her wrist and tying her hair up in a ponytail.

"I threw the blanket over you to keep you warm, although you seemed warm enough with the fireplace brewing beside you," Katie joked, before noticing Harry. He was wandering over to the group, his hands secure in his pockets.

"It seems Ellia that I haven't properly introduced myself," Harry said, approaching the group.

"It's hardly necessary. I know who you are, and I'm sure you know who I am," Ellia smiled.

"Yeah," Harry replied, "Oh and I'm sorry about last year. I could've saved you but I got so held up with Vold-" Ron pretended to cough, preventing Harry from saying his name. "Sorry, You-Know-Who, that I couldn't get to you in time. Professor Snape gave me about a dozen detentions after that as well."

"He punished you for not saving me?" Ellia questioned, crossing her arms and frowning.

"Yeah," Harry answered.

"I'd ignore what he says about it. I made it back anyway," Ellia said, shrugging her shoulders. It puzzled her as to why her father would punish Harry for not saving her. Surely that was her father's job. And if what this Voldemort says if true, why did he still expect Harry to save her. Even Ellia knew about Harry and Voldemort's enemy relationship.

Sat at the table with her group of friends, Ellia delicately are her single slice of buttered toast before taking a sip of some more water. Questions still circled around her head about the situation however she couldn't let it over rule her mind. It would all probably turn out a lie anyway in the end. On the other hand, Ellia had to return back to her classes as normal with Katie's year. Considering Fred and George weren't there anymore, and neither Aurora or Katie had chosen all the same classes as Ellia, she felt quite alone. She only had DADA with Aurora, and potions with Katie.

"Slughorn's not too bad in his lessons. It's when all the Slytherin's get cocky that ruins them. I suppose that's why I didn't take Defence Against The Dark Arts," Katie said, suddenly snapping Ellia out of her thoughts.

"I've never known a Slytherin not to be cocky though," Ellia joked, finishing her small portion of breakfast.

"That's a good point," Aurora agreed, separating herself from Harry, Ron, Hermonie and Ginny. They where doing their own thing now.

"So where's Panemia these days?" Ellia asked, curious as to where her other friend could be.

"She hangs out with Luna most of the time. I haven't seen her in a while to be honest. I'm sure she's gone a bit, you know," Aurora hinted, pointing towards the laughing Panemia and Luna.

"A bit what?" Ellia questioned her. Leaning up against her, Aurora whispered in her ear,

"Loony like Luna." Sharply turning her head in disagreement, Ellia shook it.

"No," she said, "She can't be. She's so smart and sensible."

"She still is. When she's not with Luna. But otherwise, ever since last Summer, she's been acting so strange and weird," Aurora said.

"Maybe she's a lesbian," Katie hinted.

"No," Aurora sighed, "She's still got that mega crush on Oliver Wood, even though he doesn't go here anymore."

"Guys, isn't it rude to be talking about her behind her back?" Ellia asked the two teenage girls.

"Yeah you're right Ellia," Katie sighed.

"When am I not," she joked, sharing a laugh with Aurora and Katie.

"I just don't want to loose a friend," Aurora sighed, drinking the last of her butterbear.

"I don't think anybody does," Ellia agrees, before abruptly standing up.

"Where are you going so soon?" Katie asked her, stunned by why she would want to leave so early.

"I want to owl Remus quickly before class starts," Ellia informed them. Aurora and Katie both shared a glance with each other, before nodding.

"Fine by us. But one of us has to come with you," Aurora demanded.

"But..." Ellia started, but Katie stopped her.

"No buts. We don't want you getting hurt again," Katie said.

"Fine. Which one of you is coming with me then?" Ellia asked the pair, before Aurora stood up.

"I'll go. Katie's got to go check up on Quidditch anyway," Aurora said.

"Yeah, sorry guys," Katie apologised, before running off to join Harry for Quidditch.

"Right, lets go," Aurora said, walking out of the hall with Ellia just as Draco did. Lowering her head, Ellia missed eye contact with Draco, afraid he'd still be mad with her. She let out a silent sigh, before following Aurora to the owlery. It took her less than two seconds to scribble down the letter to Remus, she knew everything she wanted to write ;

'Dear Remus,

Albus has probably told you already but I'm out of Parkinson's clasp and back at Hogwarts. I do miss you so much, even if I didn't see you that often beforehand. Still, we should go back to the swings by the Leaky Cauldron if you're up for it, I thought it would be fun. Maybe once terms over?

Ellia Snape

P.S when you get this, if its possible, please come to Hogwarts. I need to talk to you about something that I can't talk to anybody else about. And thank you for trying to save me last summer. I will return the favour.'

Ellia clipped it between Ace's feet, before both her and Aurora watched Ace fly away.

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