Chapter Eleven : The Stupid Snape's

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The next morning, word had spread around school of Ellia's disappearance. Not many Slytherin's seemed surprised, yet high numbers of Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaw's who favoured the innocent girl were shocked, as well as upset. Out of all the staff, it had upset Minerva and Filius the most, as well as Severus and Albus. When Albus had to announce it to the school, both Minerva and Severus were not present.

"As you may be aware, Ellia Snape, a student who joined this school around 4 weeks ago, has gone missing," Albus started, "She was taken by a man called Patrick Parkinson, a former Death Eater. She is only 9 and we urge for any of you to come forward if you know where she is. It is important we find her as soon as possible, but for now we shall wish for her return." It seemed as if both Panemia and Aurora had joined Minerva in her office, unable to take the absence of their best friend. It had emotionally and physically drained the whole school of their once happiness, as if an important puzzle piece was missing.

"Sitting in here with me you two will not bring her back," Minerva sighed, looking up at the girls.

"We know miss, but we are not allowed to search for her, so there's nothing else we can do," Panemia said. Arising from her seat, Minerva grabbed a pile of scrolls before handing them to Aurora and Panemia.

"You can actually. These are the work she has been doing in my class l, as well as some work on her whereabouts. You can keep them, secretly, and research," Minerva told the girls. Taking the scrolls and neatly closing them in her bag, Aurora smiled.

"Thank you Professor, it means a lot," Panemia said.

"But no snooping around you two, because I won't threat to remove points from your houses. Even if Gryffindor's my house," Minerva warned them.

"We won't Professor," Aurora promised.

"Now I suggest you go and get something to eat, you must be starving," Minerva suggested, before watching the girls rush out of her office.

Black. Everything around her was black and dead silent, except from the short breaths of air made by Ellia herself. She didn't understand where she was, last time she knew her and Parkinson were apparating away. That was the last time she saw her father. It had felt like ages since Ellia had seen the scowl on his pale face, she missed it to much. Forever and ever she'd felt like she was trapped in a black box, with nothing. Like there was nothing in the atmosphere. She hadn't seen light in what she'd counted as three weeks. Her heart was constantly pounding, her hands trembling. Constantly, she passed out at ransoms times and had felt like she had been moved. Hearing the first noise that she had in ages, Ellia heard a door creak open. Yet she still couldn't see anything.

"Don't try saying anything rat," Ellia heard Parkinson snap. Her heart suddenly stopped pounding, as she felt his sharp breaths against her throat. Suddenly, she felt a wand pierce against her neck.

"Please don't hurt me," she whimpered.

"Silent crucio!" Parkinson shouted, Ellia felt a sharp stabbing pain in the side of her waist, before her legs felt as if they were being yanked off. A huge scream escaped her lips as Ellia rolled around on the floor in pain.

"I said silence!" Parkinson shouted, stopping the spell. Ellia could feel his eyes looking down at her, even though she couldn't even see him.

"They'll find me," she bravely said. Holding her breath, she bit her tongue as she realised what she had done.

"Shut up you little blood traitor!" Parkinson shouted, kicking Ellia against the wall, "You'll learn not to say anything next time." Ellia heard footsteps exiting the room, before a door was slammed shut. Scared she might be tortured again, Ellia cut her screams out.

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