Chapter One : The Start

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Her black hair was tied back into little pig tails as Ellia sat at her dressing table in her bedroom. With each tug, a different potion name came out of her lips. It was her way of releasing stress and pain, much like her fathers was reading. After the house elves had finished the pigtails, they secured them with small blue ribbons, before exiting the room. Ellia, now left alone in her room, stayed in front of her mirror, just staring at herself. Her eyes where a deep shade of brown, almost black, and her crooked nose hung off of her pale face. Her black hair, when down, reached just under her shoulders. She truly had her fathers appearance, except her smile. For some reason every time Ellia smiled her father would look away, memories cowering into his mind of Ellia's late mother. Shaking her head lightly, Ellia hopped off of the chair before exiting her green and pink painted bedroom. Downstairs she could hear her father talking to somebody, and she couldn't help but listen in.

"She knows almost every potion Albus," she heard her father say quietly.

"I know Severus, but is it best to send an 9 year old girl to Hogwarts?" A man, Albus said.

"She'll stay in my living quarters, and she'll sit with me at the feasts. Or she can be sorted," Severus told Albus.

"Very well Severus. She can attend lessons for 3 days a week, the other 2 days either I'll tutor her or if you have a free period you can," Albus agreed with her father. Skipping down the stairs as if Ellia had never heard her father and Albus talking, she entered the living room, where Albus and her father where.

"Ellia darling, you look splendid," Albus complimented her.

"Thank you sir," She nodded, before turning to face her father. He just simply snarled and sat back in his armchair.

"Well Severus, I better be going. I expect to see you and Ellia there at the feast with me."

"It was a pleasure seeing you again Albus," Her father snarled, before picking up his Daily Prophet and reading it.

"Good day young Ellia," Albus said, and with that he apparated out of the house. Ellia stood in the middle of the room, waiting for her father to say something.

"You look wonderful today Ellia," Severus said under his breath.

"Thank you father, and may I ask why Albus was here?" The little girl asked her father. Peering over the newspaper, Severus glanced at his child.

"To see about your enrollment to Hogwarts. You'll be starting classes there, as you are already rather intelligent," Severus snarled at his daughter.

"Does that mean I'm going to Hogwarts? I'm going to learn more spells and potions and become an amazing witch and amazing at magic just like you father?" She quizzed her father, a smile wiped across her face.

"Yes you will be Ellia. Now I suggest you calm down, we will be visiting the Malfoys soon," Severus informed the girl. As soon as she heard Malfoys, she shivered. Last time she was there Lucius decided to torture her, as Severus wasn't there. He found out, but simply ignored it.

"He's not going to torture me again, is he?" She stuttered, taking a little step back.

"No, I'll keep hold of you the whole time. Well until you go to see Draco," Severus once again told the child. Draco was Ellia's one and only friend, even though he was 2 years older than her.

"Okay father," Ellia said, before sitting back in a chair.

"Go and put your coat on Ellia. We may be apparating but it's still snowy and cold outside," Severus warned the child.

"Yes father," Ellia said, running out of the room only to be greeted by a house elf, holding her black coat.

"Thank you," Ellia said, giving the house elf a hug, before putting her coat on.

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