Episode - 17 - RIANSH are Unknown Friends

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Episode starts with...

Riddhima: When did you see her?

Vansh: Some 3 years back!! Few meters away from home. Around the same time, we met today.

Riddhima was stunned and was staring at him in disbelief. Vansh didn't notice her expressions and was continuing his part of the story

Vansh: I did see her many times but she used to visit the place occasionally, but then I never had the strength to meet her and tell her that she helped me unknowingly. You know what, one day I saw her outburst. I am clueless about what happened but then around 2 years back, by the time I reached here, I have seen the girl sitting in her place and for the first time I have seen her not speaking and was calm but her eyes had the pain she wasn't expressing. I wanted to ask her if she is fine or not but didn't feel like intruding into her private space. I saw her weeping and then she started speaking that today she is missing someone badly and was asking God why did he snatch everything from her. I could feel the pain she was experiencing but couldn't share her pain. I felt helpless. After a while when she was leaving her shawl was struck on the bench and she didn't realize and pulled it hard that it tore, she was in a depression that she didn't wait to either pick it or see what happened, so she left the place leaving the shawl on the bench. That day I had an instinct that she would definitely come the next day so got another shawl for her and placed it with a note. As expected, she did come. When she saw the package, she had a mixed emotion as if who knew she comes here and who was that person who kept her this package. You know, the note I wrote read as "Hello, you don't know me neither do I, but yesterday I have seen your outburst so thought to make your mood a little better and this is my small token of gratitude. Hope you won't mind and accept it – Unknown friend". I never saw her face due to the darkness in this place, I have seen only her emotions. I was standing and observing her if she'd accept my gift and she did, I presented her

Riddhima: A cream Shawl

Vansh: Exactly!!! I guess she loved it, she left a "Thank You" note for me while leaving. The next day when I saw her, she was clad in my shawl and whenever I saw her, she used to wear the same shawl. And at times we used to exchange some notes. We don't know each other personally, but became friends gradually. We didn't even share our identity, we didn't meet, but we are like unknown friends.

Vansh turned towards Riddhima who was motionless and staring at him with mixed emotions and a small smile on the corner of her lips. He didn't understand her reaction.

Vansh: I never shared about this friend with anyone but don't know how come I shared it with you. Till today I still want to ask her the reason for her outburst

Something strikes him

Vansh: Btw how did you know what I presented to her?

He turned towards Riddhima who was still staring at him and then he noticed something unusual. His eyes widened in shock

Riddhima: It was her birthday and she was missing her family.

Vansh: ......... (shocked)

Riddhima: (smiling a little) She still has that shawl and whenever she comes here, she wears the same shawl gifted by her unknown friend.

Vansh: ...... Are you se... serious!!! That girl is .... yo...you!!! (he was stammering in shock and surprise)

Riddhima smiled and nodded her head in approval. She had tears in her eyes, they both stared into each other's eyes for a while. Vansh couldn't believe it, but he needs to as she was still clad in the same shawl

Vansh: So, that was you who healed my pain unknowingly.

Riddhima: It was you who presented me with such a perfect gift.

Vansh: I still couldn't believe it!!! Your this place has almost cured my pain. You used to visit occasionally but I visited it daily for 2 years and then started visiting occasionally. I found this place because of you. I can't believe

Riddhima: Even I am unable to believe that you are my unknown friend. So, literally, we have known each other from

Vansh: 3 years. We knew each other without even meeting, without any idea of each other's identity.

Riddhima pinched Vansh suddenly

Vansh: Ouch!!! What was this?

Riddhima: Sorry, sorry wanted to confirm if this not a dream.

Vansh smiled at her and they sat there in silence and spoke casually for an hour or so before Riddhima checked her phone to see the time

Its 2:30 am,

Riddhima: Oh Goddd!!! Vansh it's late I think I need to leave.

Vansh: Yeah, come I'll drop you

Riddhima: Thank you Vansh but it's ok I'll manage

Vansh: Not at all. After you have experienced someone following you, I am not going to let you go alone. So chupchap Chalo

Riddhima smiled and they both started walking towards her house. There was silence. None spoke until they reached her house

Riddhima: Thank you Vansh

Vansh smiled and waited for her to enter her house and as soon as she entered, he too started leaving when he heard

Riddhima: Vansh!!

Vansh turned to see her standing behind him

Vansh: Is everything ok?

Riddhima: Ha everything is ok. Why do you always think I am in a problem!

Vansh: Acha ok now tell

Riddhima: I am sorry, I didn't ask you to come home. It's basic manners right!

Vansh (laughing): You are an innocent creature. Now go

Riddhima (making a puppy face and smiling): Okay!!! Good Night. Bye

Vansh: Bye, Good Night, take care

Vansh was about to go when Riddhima once again shouted

Vansh: Now What Riddhima!

Riddhima: I actually wanted a favor (requesting face)

Vansh: Don't worry I won't inform anyone about that shadow incident okay!!!

Riddhima was puzzled as to how come he understood

Riddhima: How did you know that I was going to ask you that

Vansh: I can read your facial expressions. Now stop enquiring and stopping me again. Go and sleep

They bid bye and went off to their respective houses and were tossing on their bed thinking of each other. Vansh was wondering who's that person who was following Riddhima and how come he knew of that secret place. And then his focus shifted onto Riddhima, he recollected all that happened in the past hour and then that they unknowingly met each other 3 years back. Riddhima was wondering that the unknown friend of whom she always thought of meeting was Vansh. She recollected how he's always there to save her from unknown troubles. Vansh wondered how come he realized what she wanted to ask her a few minutes back in front of her house. How did he read her mind? He was wondering what's this connection. Even Riddhima had the same question and confusion. They were thinking all this and dozed off with a smile on their faces.

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