Episode - 86 - Past & Present

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Episode starts with...

While Angre and his team were searching for her, me and Rudra uncle were patiently waiting for the doctor to come out of OT. Our wait was completed after few hours when finally, the doors of OT opened

Me: Doc, how's my family (worried)

Doc: Mr. Rai Singhania, at present your other family members are safe but your sister Siya is critical. We have put her under observation, only time can reveal her condition.

I was broken to a high extent. Everything seemed a blur. My whole life turned upside down in just a night. I was clueless about what happened and why and how!!!!

Rudra: But Doc what happened to them? I mean suddenly all fell unconscious, sweating, foam, and body turned cold

Doc: Your family was poisoned. Hemlock was the slow poison given to them and it was given to them for the past 3 days and today it was a high dose because of which the effect was drastic and if am not wrong they were even exposed to inhale Hydrogen Sulphide. Thankfully they were bought here on time or else the effects of inhaling that more might have led to either coma, brain and heart damage, or even death. Siya being a minor still and as her immunity isn't as strong as an adult the heavy dosage of poison led to her critical state. Though we have pumped out the poison and gave antidote her condition is critical still.

He left leaving me collapsed!!! I could never imagine someone trying to hurt my family to such an extent. But the major question was who could do that and why!!! And those chemicals... I was wondering how can those chemicals enter our house! After a while, everyone was shifted to their rooms while Siya was under observation in ICU. Rudra uncle was keeping a tab on everyone while I waited for Siya near her room when Angre came panting and worried, angry. His expressions freaked me as I sent him to get information on Ragini

Me (worried): Angre what happened? Is Ragini safe?

Angre (anger): Ragini is perfectly partying with her fiancée

Me (Confused): Angre am here

Angre: Am not talking of you... am talking about her fiancée

Me: Angre don't confuse me, say clearly

Angre (anger): All this poisoning is done by Ragini to take revenge

Me (shock): Wh.... What do.... yo...u mean!!!!

Angre: The truth Vansh!!! The truth (anger) And want to know what revenge? The revenge of her fiancée...... her fiancée Kabir!!!

The shock was an understatement for me, I was motionless. I fell off my feet unable to take the bitter reality. He held me trying to console me but I wasn't in that mindset to even react to anything he was speaking on. He was revealing all that happened in those 2 years

Angre: It was all their plan Vansh!!! To avenge their so-called revenge for his father's death. They have been planning to avenge us for years Vansh and as per their plan first Kabir entered into our family and after whatever happened we are aware. When he realized his entry into our lives has been banned, he made a way for his fiancée to enter our lives to fulfill his motive of killing all of the Rai Singhania's as now his rage isn't only against Chachi but all of the Rai Singhania's as his last plan was foiled by all of us in some or the other way. So, he planted Ragini in our life and as per their plan, she started grabbing your attention, and everything that happened after her arrival was planned and executed by them. She wantedly started getting close to you while pretending to take care of Chachi and even started working in that restaurant just a week before your meeting there. They were having all the information of your schedule as to where you'd go, whom you'd meet, and when. That day in the restaurant she wantedly was grabbing your attention and what all happened after that was also pre-planned. She proposing you and you accepting and introducing everything was planned. It was their plan to gain the trust of your family and enter the mansion without anyone stopping. And when the marriage date was approaching they started getting afraid of failing in their this plan and to their luck, you got your meeting and you left for Delhi. Taking it as an opportunity Kabir prepared the poison and handed it to Ragini who started giving it to the family in their food. Not only that she used to release Hydrogen sulfide in their rooms through AC ducts. And today they learned that you are coming home much before than expected she gave them a high dosage. After making sure she released enough Hydrogen Sulphide for them to inhale and lose consciousness and eventually die she left the mansion and reached Kabir. And now, they are partying their success of killing the family and achieving their baseless revenge. It was all conspiracy against us Vansh!!!

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