Episode - 31 - Vansh loves Riddhima

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Vansh turned to see who disturbed his space and it was Ishani and Sejal standing near the door and before they could say anything further.

Vansh: What are you two doing here? Look, I don't want to talk with anyone. Let me be alone

Ishani: Till when Bhai?

Vansh: Ishani...!!! (Angry)

Ishani: Today I am not going to back off before speaking what I want to. And you are supposed to listen to everything we say.

Vansh: Ishani, not today. I am in no mood for your talks, until it's something important

Sejal: Bhai you decide if it's important or not. It's about Riddhima

Vansh was shaken by the name and stood from his chair and looked at them in a tensed state

Vansh: What about Riddhima? Is she fine? What happened to her?

Sejal and Ishani were staring at him without any response which pissed him off

Vansh (frustration and anger): Will you both speak up. I am asking you something. What happened to her?

Sejal: We can speak if you give a gap

Vansh: Sejal not now. I am in no mood for baseless talks. Just tell me how's she!

Ishani: Who bhai

Vansh: Riddhima who else (pissed)

Ishani: How does it matter to you? Angre will take care of her as he is her brother and we'll look as we are her sisters or friends

Vansh: Ishani just shut up and tell how's she! You might have time to discuss all this but I don't. She is important to me and I am going to her office now.

Sejal: But she isn't in office

Ishani: She isn't in any hospitals or even in her house

Vansh was frustrated and turned towards them banging the door

Vansh: Why are you guys playing in this manner. Can't you see the seriousness of the situation? You call her your friend and sister and today when she is in danger and you guys are playing!!! Is this what your relationship is???

Ishani: Bhai, our relation with her is unique and we care for her but what is your relation with her?

Vansh: Ishani if you forgot let me remind that she is my friend too

Sejal: Is she? We never knew

Vansh: What the heck!!!

Ishani: Bhai, Angre is your best friend and you speak to him all the time. Sejal and I are too best friends and we too speak daily if not then at least once a week but when's the last time you speak to Riddhima? When did you last care for her!! Do you even have any idea what is she going through?

Vansh: Going through means what the hell happened to her?? Why didn't Angre tell me anything!!

Sejal: Because even he didn't know that you are her friend and you care for her

Vansh: Enough now I need to see her. Where is she?

Ishani: You said you are her friend so; you should have known right!

Vansh: Ishani now you both are getting on my nerves. Just tell me where is she. I need to see her now!!!!!!!!

Sejal: Why Bhai, wherever she is, we are in touch with her and we are taking care of her. You need not worry.

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