Episode - 65 - Vansh misses Riddhima

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Episode starts with...

Its 2:00am, AR House,

Vansh reached Riddhima's room and he was feeling ambivalent. Her room was reminding him of the moments they shared, their nok – jhok (little fights), her cuteness, her innocence, he could sense her fragrance from every corner of the room. He sat on her bed and saw the teddy which he presented last night and which she was hugging few hours back. Her tears left their traces on the pillow and he realised the pain he with Angre gave her few hours back and understood that the tears were because of him. He hugged the teddy to inhale her scent, to feel her touch, to feel her presence. He was missing her talks, her voice, her those cute eyes, her that nose, her lips, her touch, her presence everything!!! The room was reminding him of her and all this was once again leading to blaming himself for not protecting her. His tears made their way towards his cheeks and were flowing down when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around to see.... His eyes widened in happiness; he couldn't believe what he saw, it was like a dream come true, he felt like his heart was back to its original place and blood supply was as usual, he felt as if his soul was back, he started living again, his breaths were back, he was back to life.

Vansh hugged her tight and was crying his heart out. He was weeping like a kid. He didn't leave her and was just hugging her tight to not give a chance for her to leave him never ever!!

Vansh: Where were you Riddhima! Do you have any idea what I was going through! Thought I lost you. Thought my life lost its meaning!! Please don't ever leave me in this way. I can't even imagine my life without you even for a second. Where did you go!!!

Riddhima: Seems like you went through the same pain as I did few hours back!

Vansh (confused): What do you mean?

Riddhima: Vansh I wanted you to know the pain we get when someone we love plays an insensitive prank on us. You and bhai were playing a prank on me right few hours back!! So, this is the payback for that.

Vansh was staring at Riddhima in disbelief. He didn't exactly understand what was happening.

Riddhima: Am here in front of you. Nothing happened to me! It was a prank played by we girls to teach you a lesson of not doing such insensitive things again. Do you even have any idea what I went through when bhai was speaking against our love and then he told me it's a prank and even you were involved in that! Do you know how that truth broke me apart! I wanted you to understand that pain and you'll understand that only when you go through something that sought. So, we all planned this kidnapping prank on you both!!!

Vansh: Riddhima!!!!!

He hugged her and was crying like a kid.

Vansh: Am sorry. I gave you much pain but this prank is much worse than ours. You know I almost lost my life! Please don't ever play such thoughtless pranks please!!!!

Riddhima wiped his tears and kissed his forehead and hugged him tight

Riddhima: Am sorry!!! I assure you I'll never ever do such pranks ever but even you need to promise that you'll also not play such idiotic pranks again

Vansh (kissing her cheeks): Never ever!!!!!

They were engrossed in their embrace. Forgetting the world, they were living that moment in their lives which came after a lot of tears sacrificed themselves. They were least bothered about who is watching them, who is giggling, who is making fun of them but what they were bothered that they were present for each other and that was what mattered here. Vansh finally got the fragrance of his lady love, her eyes had tears seeing him in tears, they were so close to each other that their breaths were mingling with each other, their lips were eager to meet. Riddhima felt safe and secure in his arms. For her he is her world and there exists no other person and even she isn't willing to allow anyone other than her man her Vansh. She was ecstatic and her that happiness was clearly visible in her those black cute eyes which were now staring at her man's brown eyes and was wondering how can the rock Vansh love her so much that he cried for her. They both were in each other's embrace and were lost in the eyes of each other.

He was mesmerized by her fragrance when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see Angre staring at him and taking his name.

Vansh (excited): Angre look our Riddhima is back!

Angre looking around and then staring at Vansh with moist eyes and heavy heart he spoke

Angre: Vansh!!!! Riddhima isn't here!!!

Vansh: Don't tease Angre. It's not funny. Look here is she...

Vansh turned around to see but he didn't find Riddhima.

Vansh: Riddhima!! Riddhima!!! Where are you! You promised to not play such insensitive pranks again. Look Angre is here! Now stop this prank sweetheart. Even your brother is worried. Now come out!!!

He was pacing around searching her everywhere, behind curtains, beneath the bed, behind couch, near the window, in washroom, in balcony everywhere but in vain. His sweetheart wasn't there!

Vansh: Angre she was here!! She spoke to me and told me that it was their prank and she is not kidnapped. (tears flowing)

Vansh felt weird yet felt was he hallucinating. He didn't want to listen to his heart which was indicating him towards his hallucination but was eager to listen to his mind which was asking him to believe that his sweetheart is with him. He still held her teddy and hugged it tight and was weeping. Seeing his condition Angre hugged him to console him and in this process even his tears started flowing.

Angre: Vansh!!! She is not here! We need to search her! We can't break. We need to handle the family, the girls. If we break then who'll handle them! I know how you are feeling away from her but understand that my situation is no different even am unable to control myself and this pain is unbearable. We can't lose ourselves and fall weak. We need to be strong to search her!

Vansh: You are right Angre! I can't fall weak. I need to search my Riddhima. She might be waiting for me. Now my concentration is going to be only in finding her in next 45 hours!! That's my only moto now and Vansh Rai Singhania never backs out of his promise and moto!!!

Vansh wiped his tears and kissing the teddy he placed it on her bed and turning towards Angre

Vansh: Angre what about the guards? How are they now?

Angre: Vansh they are not yet in senses. The amount of smoke was heavy and it left a severe effect on all the guards. I shifted them to hospital and as per the doctors, they are responding to medication and will be fine soon. And in place of them I have placed an emergency guards and they took their positions. And have even increased the security in all the houses.

Vansh: Don't know who dared to enter here and kidnap Riddhima. Once I catch them, they'll see their end!! Any information?

Angre: My informer who resides in the neighbouring area has noticed a dark vehicle leaving our area and when I checked the CCTV footage I found that the vehicle he was describing and the vehicle which left from our place is same!

Vansh: That's great news Angre! Now trace that vehicle and what about the identities of the kidnappers? Did you identify them in the CCTV footage?

Angre: No Vansh!!! (upset) The kidnappers seem to be well aware of where the cameras are. They made sure their faces aren't caught in the cameras. They even entered the compound from behind where camera isn't working and one thing seemed a bit odd

Vansh: And what's that?

Angre: The camera present behind the compound was working till afternoon then how come suddenly it stopped working? And why only the cameras behind the house? And the guards!!! How come they didn't notice the smoke bombs being released into the compound?

Vansh: Umm.... Someone seems to be involved with them. But who!!!! Varna how did they know where are the camera's installed and from where they could enter. Someone is definitely involved but who is that is the question!! May be any one among the guards? Or servants? Or is there anyone who have been constantly watching the house to mark everything?

Angre: Vansh there are many loopholes which need to be answered soon.

Vansh: You are right! I think we need to once again speak with Ishani

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