Episode - 19 - Riddhima alone in AR House

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Episode starts with...

After a while, while the girls were busy in unpacking and arranging Riddhima's luggage, Angre was cooking and Ishani was helping him.

It's 3 pm, Angre – Riddhima's House (From today it's called AR House),

Everyone gathered in the dining area, Angre served food to everyone and was waiting for Riddhima to react

Riddhima (engrossed): Bhai, your hand has some magic and it reminded me of (emotional) ....

Angre (patting his sister): Reminded you of Paa and Dadu. Right!!!

Riddhima nodded, Angre wiped her tears and all continued their food. Everyone was enjoying the yummy dishes prepared by Angre.

After lunch, everyone helped Angre in cleaning the dishes and arranging the dining. After a while all settled in the lawn and were enjoying their dessert, when

Ishani: Angre, when would you leave? And when would you return?

Angre: Had a call with Vansh so we decided to leave within half an hour, and maybe we'd reach by tonight or most probably tomorrow

Riddhima: Bhai, you are going somewhere?

Angre: I totally forgot to tell you Riddhu, actually, I have forgot to inform you that I got some work so I'd be away for tonight. Will try coming before tonight or most probably tomorrow. It was sudden, and so I didn't want to leave without bringing home so bought you in a hurry

Riddhima (Shocked and sad): Bhai, I came home today and you are leaving. It's okay I understand, your work is important too

Angre: I assure you I'll try to be back by tonight. Okay. Don't worry. You have a huge task now; you need to unpack all these gifts of the past 20 years. Who'll do that?

Riddhima (smiling): Definitely it's me who'll. Bhai, promise that you'll return soon

Angre: I Promise I'll return maximum by tomorrow morning. And you need not worry, we have security 24*7 so none is going to intrude.

Its 4 pm, AR House,

Angre with Vansh has left while girls too left as Ishani had some work in a boutique while Sejal and Siya went for shopping. Riddhima stayed back as she wanted to explore and unpack those gifts. She sat in her room unpacking all the gifts and was observing each and every detail. He was preserving every gift of hers for years. He gifted her a frock, toys, books, clothes, accessories, and many such. She lost the track of time and was totally engrossed in gifts unpacking. She was literally touched by his ideas of gifts.

Its 7 pm, AR House,

Riddhima didn't realize the time unless the servant came to ask her what she'd like for dinner.

Servant: Madam, what would you like for dinner?

Riddhima checked her time to see that it was 7 and so

Riddhima: Hmm... it's okay. I'll prepare something for myself. You all can leave. It's Sunday for you all too. So, you go I'll manage

Servant: No Madam, It's okay. Sir has asked us not to leave you alone. So, we can't.

Riddhima: It's ok. I'll speak to Bhai. You all leave and vaise bhi security is here so don't worry. You all leave I'll manage. Btw where do you all live?

Servant: Madam, the servants of Rai Singhania, Pant, and yours live in servant quarters provided few meters away.

Riddhima: Acha okay. You all go.

All the servants left when Riddhima entered the kitchen to prepare something for herself and started checking everything she can make and then cooked some Chinese for herself and settled on her bed and enjoyed her food while watching Television.

It's 9 pm, AR House,

She cleaned all the utensils and locked all the doors and windows of the house. She went into her bedroom and was working on her laptop.
After a while, she sat near the window and was observing the sky and was lost in some thoughts.

Its 11 pm, AR House,

She decided to sleep so she went to lock the balcony and when she went there, she felt like someone was present on the opposite of the road of their house, she wanted to confirm so she stepped into the balcony for a closer view. There on the opposite side, she saw a car and a person's shadow, due to lack of proper lighting she couldn't see who it was. She felt like that she saw that shadow somewhere. She felt something to be not normal so she didn't mind staying there and observe that unknown shadow and get back to sleep. So, she locked the balcony and was retiring to bed when her phone beeped. It was Angre's message

Angre: Sorry Riddhu, I am struck. I might not come tonight. I'll be coming tomorrow morning. Take Care. Good Night. And yeah, Vansh would have reached home so if you need anything just call him or any of the girls, they'll be available. Sorry once again.

Riddhima: It's okay Bhai. I'll manage. Don't worry. Good Night. Come asap

She did feel upset because staying alone in that Villa without anyone was not accepted. She wanted company, she decided to call any of the girls but then she didn't want to disturb anyone as she thought she might be disturbing them. She didn't want to bother Rudra and Chanchal too so she decided to just sleep without thinking but she couldn't as the shadow of the person was haunting her. She was wondering where did she see that shadow and who is that! She was trying to divert her attention but wasn't able to. She was constantly thinking about why that shadow was standing near her house. She wanted to make sure that shadow is just her illusion and nothing else so she went into the balcony and tried peeking in that direction and to her shock that shadow was waving at her making her freak out. She ran into the house locked her balcony and sat on her bed shivering. She didn't know who it was and what that person needs. She thought of calling Angre but then she didn't want to create panic in him so she just tried calming down and suddenly....


She heard her doorbell ring, she freaked out. She saw the time and it was 12am and she was wondering who might have come at this hour!!! And how could the security allow someone at this hour? What is happening? What happened to security. Did anyone intrude into the house!!! She was freaking out of fear. She gathered strength and went into the balcony to see if that shadow person is there. To her shock, that person wasn't there but that vehicle was still there. And she came to the conclusion that it's the intruder who was ringing the bell. She decided to call Vansh but realized she doesn't have his number, she decided to call Rudra but she realized her phone is switched off. She abused her fate and she didn't know what to do!!! She was freaking out and the doorbell sounds increased and now she started hearing bangs......

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