Episode - 76 - Riddhima Rescued!!!

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Episode starts with...

Kabir slid behind Riddhima and held her at knifepoint freaking Riddhima and raging Vansh

Vansh (anger): Don't you dare commit this mistake, Kabir. Last time you hurt my family and I just sent you behind bars but if at all you dare to hurt her I swear!!! I swear am going to drag you to hell by my own hands.

Ragini: Ball is in our court Vansh and this time you cant win. We won't let you save her as she deserves death for being a part of that family which is the reason for me and Kabir to be separated for 2 ½ years. The reason for Kabir's childhood trauma, the pain he had to go through because of your family.

Vansh (anger): Just SHUT UP Ragini!!!!

Kabir (shouting): Don't you dare raise voice against her Vansh!!!

Riddhima was crying under Kabir's knife trying to understand the situation and their conversations which were out of the box for her to understand. Kabir mercilessly started sliding his knife on her throat giving her a cut and blood oozing, freaking Vansh and Riddhima while the other duo was smirking seeing the pain they went through years back in Vansh and Riddhima's eyes now.

Vansh (shouting): Kabir!!!!! I swear I'll kill you if at all that knife of you moves even a bit!!! I'll forget the relationship we share! I'll forget that you are my brother

This came as a shocker to Riddhima, she not even in her worse dreams expect Kabir to be Vansh's brother. She was confused and was wondering what the truth was when she felt a pain on her neck leading to the realization that the knife was moving further to cut her nerves. She winced in pain and gave an afraid look to Vansh. Vansh who saw the knife sliding ahead took no time in reacting and swiftly pulled his gun from behind and pointed towards Kabir but Ragini came in between pissing Vansh and freaking Kabir

Kabir (worried): Ragini move he may hurt you!!

Ragini: Kabir don't worry nothing would happen to me! I won't let anything happen to you and do you think he'll pull his trigger on me!! (smirk) (eying Vansh) After all, am his love interest right Vansh baby!!! (evil smirk)

Kabir and Ragini smirked leaving Riddhima shocked and a bit upset too but then her pain took over her senses while Vansh gave a disgusting look to them when his eyes fell on Riddhima and her eyes had undefined pain with many questions.

Vansh: Ragini dare you to take my name from your filthy mouth and move away before I forget that you are a woman.

Ragini: Aww!!! My poor Vansh baby is threatening his lovely Ragini for whom he used to try all ways to spend time with, (eying Riddhima) You know Riddhima my Vansh baby was such a romantic person I tell you! Just to get a glimpse of me he used to sneak into my hostel rooms at night avoiding the security and at times made sure I stay back at his house so that he can spend time with me. He used to skip his meetings too just to pacify me. (smirk)

Vansh glared at Riddhima who was having mixed emotions and her those eyes which conveyed that she was hurt, she somewhere felt dejected and her that state pierced his heart as he felt he is responsible for her state and is answerable too but sensing that it's not the right time to reveal anything or discuss anything as time was running and so was Kabir's knife on his Riddhima. He without a second pulled his trigger and shot on Ragini's legs to divert Kabir and Ragini's attention from Riddhima.

Ragini (pain): Ahhh!!!!!!!!

Kabir (worried): Ragini!!! (shout)

Kabir left his knife and ran towards Ragini whose leg was bleeding while Vansh was about to run towards Riddhima but Kabir held Vansh by his collar and then... then started the fight of Vansh and Kabir, fight which had hatred for each other, fight which held grudges over years, fight which held the rage of trying to hurt their love. Vansh grabbed Kabir by his neck blowing a punch on his face making him land on the floor. This continued for a while whereas Ragini was struggling to get Kabir out of Vansh's clutches which held Kabir's neck trying to suffocate him with all the rage he has in his heart for trying to hurt Riddhima and his family in the past.

Ragini (hitting Vansh's hands): Leave my Kabir!! Leave him!!! Aren't you happy by hurting us for years that you are adamant about killing him!!!

Vansh (smirk): I thought this game which you both started years back would end by the death of one among us so why not he dies!!!

Ragini (shout): Don't you dare Vansh!!! I'll kill your Riddhima if you won't leave him now!!!

Saying so, she went limping towards Riddhima and picking the knife which was beneath held Riddhima's hand and placing the knife on her nerves she with rage and fierce look shouted at Vansh

Ragini (shout): It doesn't take time for me to kill your sweetheart if you don't leave my Kabir NOW!!!!!

Vansh: Don't you dare do this mistake Ragini! I won't think before suffocating your this Kabir! Not a scratch on her varna forget that you ever had a boyfriend Kabir

Ragini: You are not in the stage to show your dominance as the ball is still in our court (smirk) If you forgot

Vansh (afraid): Don't Ragini! Don't!!! Dare you to touch her; I'd do whatever you'd ask for

Ragini (smirk): That's better now leave my Kabir

Vansh (afraid): But... but (smirk) even your Kabir is with me so a scratch on her and you'll lose your Kabir forever and I MEAN IT!!!!! (shouting)

Ragini slit Riddhima's nerves in a small cut

Riddhima (pain): Ahhh!!! Vaannshhhhhh!!!

Vansh in a fit of rage he held Kabir a bit high pinning him to the wall, he picked his gun and shot in his arm

Kabir (pain): Ahh!!!!

Ragini: Kabir!!! (shout)

Vansh (shouting): Didn't I tell you that your one mistake would cost his life but you were adamant right now see the result!!!

Ragini (holding Riddhima in her knifepoint): Vansh AM WARNING YOU LEAVE HIM NOW!!!!

Vansh: I can say the same Ragini. Leave her and I'll leave him. It can be a deal!!!

Ragini: Am not going to fall prey for your these deals, I want my Kabir safe and sound now varna forget your Riddhima

She pulled Riddhima back by clutching her hairs leading her to wince in pain

Riddhima: Ahhh!!!!

Vansh (shout): RAGINI!!!!

Ragini was done with his shit that she once again pulled Riddhima back and keeping the knife on her neck she was about to slit when a bullet was fired on her hand making the knife fall and her hand was bleeding. All turned to find a smirk on Vansh's face and then came Gagan with his team.

Gagan: Mr. Vansh leave him we'll handle

Vansh left Kabir who was on the verge of dying due to lack of oxygen while Ragini crawled towards Kabir and they were caressing each other when few officers handcuffed them. Vansh ran towards Riddhima who was pale and loss of life, he untied her ropes and hugged her tight with tears flowing from their eyes. Riddhima hugged him back and once a bit relieved they broke the hug. They both touched their forehead making sure they aren't dreaming. He wiped her tears and kissing her forehead. They wanted to speak a lot but then no one was in a state to even speak, they were just trying to immerse the reality, they forgot the surroundings trying to engross themselves in each other's embrace as they got it after a wait of almost 26hours. He kissed her forehead when they heard a shot.....

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