Episode - 37 -Vansh Proposes Riddhima

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Episode starts with...

Sejal stops the car, Riddhima assumes that she has stopped so that she can get down to leave and so gets down and when is about to leave

Sejal: Oh, hello madam, where are you going!!

Riddhima: I am going home

Sejal: Statue!!!

Riddhima stopped on her way

Sejal: Look before you start your blabbering, let me tell you that Ishani and I have planned a diversion to make your mood right so please turn around after I say release and come in, I am going now. Sorry byeee!!!!

Sejal after going a distance "Riddhu release"

Riddhima turned around to see that the place seems to be known.

Riddhima: Sejal, I won't leave you why did you bring me to this place! How did Ishani know about this place!

Riddhima started walking towards that place which is nothing but her favorite place. When she entered the vicinity, she realized that place is darker than as usual. She shouted Ishani, Siya and Sejal's name as she was scared but none responded. She gathered courage and started moving forward when she felt something obstructing her path, it was dark she wasn't able to see anything. She was first curious but the obstructions were moving scaring her, and suddenly a spotlight fell on her and that cleared her vision.

Now she was able to see what's under her feet and as soon as her sight fell on them, a small smile crept her lips. As she was walking the spotlight was leading her and she started observing that there were Solid Pre-Filled with Confetti Balloons under her feet with rose petals under them creating a balloons cum petals carpet for her. As she raised her head a bit, she noticed that there were helium balloons flying all over the sky. She was surprised and her smile started increasing. She could smell a beautiful aroma and so, turned around to see many scented candles arranged. Her Smile was broader. Suddenly another spotlight fell in the middle of the place and her eyes widened with shock and surprise. She saw petals all over the ground leading her way towards the centre where there was a table for two, well decorated with ribbons and balloons hanging. She was amazed at the detailing. As she was walking towards the table, she saw teddy's on both sides of the walkway which were increasing in sizes, from tiny teddy's to small, medium, large, and at the end were 2 teddy's on either side with a heart shape cushion on them which were almost extra-large and she just pounced on them and hugged them tightly. She loved that surprise and that brought a broader smile on her face depicting her happiness. She lifted her head to see the table had 3 scented candles in the middle with balloons tied to their chairs. She loved it. She was just wondering where did the others go calling her here.

"Are you finding me!!!" She heard a voice from behind and that voice was not unfamiliar and she understood who's voice it is. Her heart started pondering to hear once again as it's been over a month now and one word was enough to bring back the butterflies in her stomach. She slowly turned towards the direction of the voice with tears in her eyes about to flow. As she turned, she saw the shadow of the voice and slowly a spotlight fell on him and now both were visible to each other. He was none other than Vansh.

Vansh stared at how ravishing she was clad in his gifted dress A-Line Halter Two Piece White and Red Silk Satin with deep neck paired with minimal diamond earrings, a small pendant with a bracelet. He knew she'd be gorgeous but she was much more than he has expected. He couldn't take his eyes off his girl who was looking ravishing. She was breathtaking. Sejal was right Vansh almost had a mini heart attack to see his lady love looking such drop-dead gorgeous.

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