Episode - 82 - Vansh & Riddhima

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Episode starts with...

He heard a voice shocking him..... he was about to turn around but then he heard a piece of information and identified the owner of the voice

"Be careful while you go to meet her as Rudra Uncle and Chanchal Aunty along with Sejal are staying in AR Mansion for few days. But haa in their respective rooms though"

Vansh (whisper): Ishani!!!

He smiled as to how his sister guessed it where he was heading and thanked her mentally for giving him the signal about the presence of everyone in the house and left the house. He was driving reminiscing the past days and their pain when suddenly he saw a medical shop (24*7) and it reminded him of her burns on her feet and hands and stopping the vehicle abruptly, he decided to bring an ice pack. He reached her house and the security opened the gate for him. He parked his vehicle and was wandering around thinking how to enter her room as it was around 1 am

Vansh: I reached home now how do I meet her!!! I can't even ring the bell as it may wake uncle and aunty and my presence in their home at this hour creates many doubts which I don't want at present. So, what do I do!!! Vansh how can you come without any proper plan? (banging his head) I can't even call Angre or Sejal asking them to open the door. If I do, I have to answer many of their questions which am not interested to answer at present. My only priority at present is to meet her and see her. Now, what do I do!!! Shall I call her? But if I do she'll take my class on call instead of opening the door (making a face). Oh My!!!!! What do I do!!!

He was just wandering around the house thinking of a way and security was glaring him confused and he understood their glares and tried to avoid them and that's when he got a plan to reach his sweetheart

Vansh (excited): Oh My!!! How did I not think of this!!! This is the only way to reach her and in this way, I need not wake anyone or answer anyone. Vansh you are a genius (mentally praising himself) (self-obsessed you see 😉 )

Riddhima was sleeping when he reached her room and finding her in front of him after 3 days was like finding the end of a rainbow, finding solace for his pondering heart, finding some stars on a dark night without a moon. Even in the dim-lit room, he found his solace. He smoothly moved towards her bed and caressed her hair strands, tucking them behind her ear he sat on the ottoman and was observing her features. Her eyes were definitely worried about something as her forehead turned into a frown and her button nose was inhaling the fresh oxygen, her lips mumbling something which was inaudible to him.

Then his eyes fell on her hands which had bruises of burn marks and then he realized he bought the ice pack for her. He steadied towards her feet and slightly moving her duvet, he bent near her feet, and slightly caressing her feet he observed her burn marks and the cruelty the duo (Kabir and Ragini) showed on his innocent sweetheart pierced him. His tears made their way and a drop fell on her feet and she flinched and he realized that his tears are disturbing her sleep so wiping them he picked her leg and started soothing her burns with the ice pack. As soon as the cool pack got in contact with her burns she jerked and woke up with a startle being afraid. And before she could shout out of fear she heard a husky voice

Vansh: Shh... it's me relax!

She was amused and realized it's Vansh and then she understood what he was doing there near her legs. He was caressing her burns; he was soothing her pain. She sighed and he caressed her feet gently for a while and then started doing the same for her hands. All this while none spoke but their eyes and heart were having some unspoken conversations which no normal human being could understand. Their eyes welled up each had their own reasons. Riddhima was having tears out of happiness to see him after days and his care is still the same. He still cares for her and his eyes depict the care, concern, love, and affection he has for her. It seems eternal. In between, she hissed due to the pain the burns were giving her but his love was helping her in coping with that, his soothing breath whenever he blew on her burns to soothe her pain. Vansh was going through emotional turmoil too. He was hurt seeing her in pain, the pain which she never deserved. Her feather-like hands and feet turned into a rotten banana. He felt sorry for not being with her when she needed him the most. He never stopped loving this angel in his life but just thought foolishly that he has to protect her by staying away from her which indeed proves him to be a lunatic. Riddhima saw tears in Vansh's eyes and she could feel the pain he is going through and now it's only she who can give him relief,

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