Episode - 72 - Old Enmity?

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Episode starts with...

Its 6:30pm, Hideout,

Riddhima opens her eyes to find the room dark but there seems to be some difference in the previous room and this. She tries to observe her surroundings and she realises that the room has a window, ventilation and the door is slightly open. There is a small bulb blinking often. She observes that the kidnapper has shifted her from the previous place. The darkness and tiredness was hurting her and she felt something crawling beneath her feet and when she bent her head down, she freaked out to find......

VR Mansion,

Vansh along with Angre and others were patiently waiting for victor to open his mouth and inform them about Riddhima's whereabouts. Sejal and Ishani did some first aid to victor and gave him some water to calm his pain when finally, he opened his mouth

Victor: Sir... actually that person ... used to ... ca...call me.... to... in.. inform me .... (he was stammering due to his low energy levels)

Vansh: Inform what? And who's that person?

Victor: ... (trying to catch his breath) ... to... ke.. keep a... an.. eye on Ri... rid...hi...ma...

Angre: Keep an eye on Riddhima!! (shock) But why!!!

Ishani: From when? Because she was in our lives since a month

Victor: From 1 mo.. month.

Sejal: You were keeping your eye on her since she came into this house. Right!!!

Victor nodded

Vansh: What happened next?

Victor: Th.. they... used to p... pa... pay me hef... hefty amount for this... work. I.. I was... in need of.. money fo... for tre... treat... ment of my sis...ter. Last... nigh...t... aft...er you both went...out ... I ..gave them sig...nal and as.. per.. the...ir instr.... uc ...tions, I tur.. turned off.....f the bac.... yard cameras and thr.... ew the smo .... ke... bombs all arou...nd because of which... security ... guards los...t conci...ousness. Tak... ing it as opp... oppor...opportunity, they... sneaked fr .... om back....

Victor was losing his conscious due to the effect of bashing. He was finding it hard to even keep his eyes open. Gagan tried waking him up by slapping and sprinkling water on his face. He finally did

Vansh: Aage bolo (tell further)

Victor: ..... plan was to ... kid.... nap..... Riddhima .... we did...not...exp...ct Ishani to accompany her.... We thought if riddhi....ma doesn't come....out, we'll sneak in....and drag her and kidnap bu....t.... when we saw..... her com...ing out with Ishani we dec.... ided to hur....t.... Ishani and kidnap her and we did.

Vansh: Where did you take her???

Victor: I.... do.... not... kn...ow!!!!!

Angre: Who are they you were mentioning?

Victor: I don't kno .... w. Never met them.

Vansh (holding his collar): You don't know who they are! You don't know where they took Riddhima! You don't know how they look! Then what the hell do you know? (angry)

Angre: If at all you were in need of money, you could have told me. I'd have arranged for your sister's treatment. Why did you betray us!!!!! (slapping him hard)

Rudra: Now will you please tell us where did they take my daughter!!!

Gagan: Speak upp!!!!

Victor: They used to...meet me wit...h.... masks. I... I kno...w their.... One... hid...eout!!!

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