Episode - 62 - Riddhima Kidnapped?

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Before she could shout or tell something she felt another hand reach her mouth to close it tightly making her struggle to get rid of the hands!! Riddhima was trying to pull herself back from that grip and was making sure she doesn't leave Ishani's hand. She held it tight. While Ishani was going through same. She was shaking her body in such a way she could get rid of the hand on her hand and her mouth. But after few seconds she felt that the grip on her hand was loosened and she taking it as an opportunity placed that hand on Riddhima's hand and started pulling her even though the hand on her mouth was by now held her body with other hand and was pulling her to stop her from pulling Riddhima.

But being stubborn and adamant Ishani didn't give up she put all her strength and was struggling to pull Riddhima and suddenly she felt Riddhima's body was loosened and was in air. She feared worst and with tears rolling down her cheeks she pulled her still. The hand which lost the grip of Ishani's hand by now reached towards Riddhima and as if was checking her pulse or breath,

Person 3: She lost consciousness. I think you can take her away. I'll handle this girl you both leave soon before anyone can see you.

Listening to which Ishani couldn't bear that her fear is turning to reality but she didn't exactly know who they were and why they were discussing of taking away Riddhima! She wanted to fight for her sister. She put all her strength for one last time and trying hard to get rid of the hand on her mouth she bit it!!! Yes she bit the hand on her mouth so hard that the person in reflex pulled the hand back giving a chance for Ishani to pull her sister now. She was pulling when she saw the 3rd person running towards her and grabbing her from behind and he started pulling her hard giving her pain. Though she was in pain she decided not to give up on her sister. The 1st person who was holding Riddhima pulled her hard enough leading to Ishani falling on her front and losing her grip on Riddhima making her fall in that persons arms. Ishani fell and was seeing Riddhima being carried away on that person's hands followed by 2nd person. She shouted on top of her voice but it was late enough!!! They left the compound by jumping the wall while the 3rd person fled too but while leaving Ishani saw his retreating figure and that was the last sight she had captured in her eyes before losing consciousness!!!!!!!!!!!! The last word she shouted was

Ishani (shouting): Riddhimaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was something she said before losing consciousness due to the smoke effect. She lay there motionless.

The same time Vansh & Angre reached the main gate to see the security guards lying motionless and that's when they heard Ishani's scream from backyard. They rushed towards the backyard hurriedly to find the smoke losing its effect. They saw Ishani lying unconscious and murmuring Riddhima's name. They rushed towards her and tried waking her but she was not in her senses. Angre went to search around to find Riddhima but to his despair he didn't find anything but found smoke bombs in every corner of the compound. He feared worst. He was shouting Riddhima's name but he didn't receive any response. He reached back to the place where Vansh was trying hard to wake his sister but she wasn't waking. They decided to take her into the house and when they reached they didn't find Sejal and Siya too! They started assuming may be Sejal and Siya are with Riddhima and the trio went out. They had thoughts of something worse but still tried to not give those thoughts a chance to overpower them.

They laid Ishani on the couch in living room and sprinkled water on Ishani to bring her to senses. She woke up with startle

Ishani (shouting): Riddhimaa!!!

Tears rolling down her eyes and fear was visible in those moist eyes. Her body was trembling and she was terrified. She wanted it to be the worse dream of hers but she could sense that it's the bitter reality. She turned aside to see her brother and love staring at her concerned and worried. She out of shock and fear wrapped her arms around Vansh who was close to her and started weeping uncontrollably. Her tears were creating panic among Vansh and Angre. Angre sat beside her and taking her into his arms he tried to calm her down to know the reason for her state! Vansh went towards the kitchen to bring some water when Ishani calmed herself as she needs to tell them the reality.

Ishani (weeping): Angre... Angre Riddhima!!!!

Angre (worried): Ishani, what happened to Riddhu!!!

Ishani: She has been kidnapped (weeping)

Angre was a shell–shocked and couldn't believe that his sister whom he got after going through a lot of pain of separation was once again away from him. His grip on Ishani loosened and he fell back. Ishani tried to control him but in vain. She could understand what he was going through. But what broke her more was the sound of glass breaking and she saw towards the source of sound to find Vansh.

He couldn't believe his ears. He felt numb. He felt as if his heart has been snatched from his body. He felt as if his soul got detached from him. He felt as if his world collapsed. He stood there motionless. His eyes widened in shock and his hands trembling. Ishani couldn't see her strong bhai in that state. She ran to him. Hugged him to comfort him. He didn't reciprocate the hug and stood like a mannequin.

Ishani: Bhai, please control yourself.

She dragged him towards the couch and made him take a seat beside Angre who was going through the same pain. There was dead silence. None spoke. Ishani went to get water for the duo and when she was back she could see the broken hearts of two people who immensely love Riddhima. They were shattered to learn that the person who was with them few hours back was now missing.

Ishani approached them and gave water to calm their hearts which were in a havoc and were not reacting. Their hearts were weeping and cursing themselves for whatever happened but their voice wasn't heard to the outer world. Their tears wanted to flow but eyes were stopping them from doing so.

After a while like few minutes, Vansh finally gathered the courage to finally speak.

Vansh (voice trembling): Ishani what happened?

Ishani: Bhai actually we were in our respective rooms and suddenly we heard a loud blast so came out to see what was that. When we reached living area we heard the sound once again so me and Riddhima decided to go and check. When we reached out we saw the guards were missing and so we were checking around and we heard another sound from backyard and it was a bit low than the previous and this was from backyard. So, when we reached there we felt fog was spread but after a while we realised it wasn't fog but some smoke. We felt three persons presence but couldn't see their faces due to fog. One among them held Riddhima and was pulling her and I tried to pull her back. One among the other 2 held my hand was pulling me while the other shut my mouth hard so that I don't shout. I tried hard to pull her but then she lost her consciousness due to effect of smoke and so they carried her away (crying desperately). Bhai am sorry!!! I couldn't take care of her as promised. I couldn't save her.

Vansh and Angre who were stunned and at first didn't know how do they react. They saw Ishani broke and accusing herself. They both hugged her to calm her and even themselves. It broke them apart. All were blaming themselves for what happened to Riddhima!

Angre (thinking): Am sorry Riddhu! Being your brother, I was supposed to protect you from all the problems but what did I do!! I was nowhere around when you needed me the most!! How do I reach you!!

Vansh (thinking): Am sorry sweetheart! I promised to protect you from all odds but today! Today when you were in danger I couldn't save you!! I couldn't save my soul. I couldn't save my Riddhima!!! What's the use of being the great Vansh Rai Singhania if I couldn't save you! How do I reach you!!! How do I know where you are and in which state! First of all, who's that who snatched you from me! Why did they do! What do they want! Riddhima please come back, I can't stay away from you. This distance among us is like a living hell for me. Where do I search you sweetheart! Give me some clue about your wellbeing. Give me a clue about where you are!!! Am sorry sweetheart!!!

Ishani: Bhai, Angre am sorry. I couldn't save her. I tried hard but still in vain. Kaash they could have took me leaving her! I can't forgive myself for her state and if something unimaginable happens to her then I can never ever forgive myself. I can't live!!! I can't live!!! (sobbing)

Vansh: Ishani stop blaming yourself. It was not your fault.

Angre: Exactly! You tried your best to save her and in fact it was my mistake that I couldn't be there for my sister when she needed the most.

Vansh: No Angre it's not your mistake. I assured her that I'll always protect her but I failed!!! I failed Angre. I couldn't save my Riddhima!!!

Something strikes Vansh

Vansh: Ishani where are Sejal and Siya? Are they safe? (worried)

Angre: Yes, even I was wondering where they are!! Did anything happen to them? Where are they? 

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