Chapter 35

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"Ah Fen..." The disgruntled voice tickled his ear and he twitched in response.

"What is it? I'm sleeping." He grumbled as a warm arm tightened around his waist and a hard body pressed in behind him.

"Ah Fen, it's been months..." The low voice was coaxing, and light kisses pressed against the side of his neck as he felt a thumping heartbeat against his back.

"So? Go rub it out in the other room." He replied with a caustic tone. Jian Jun grumbled and bit down on the tender flesh of his ear, nibbling around the shell and wandering his hands down the smooth skin of his chest.

"How about if I rub it right here in front of you? Hmm?" Jian Jun smirked at the intake of breath the boy took in as he rubbed his length against the backside through the thin clothes he wore to bed.

"Beast. I don't want to see that." He pulled away and rolled to the other side of the large bed. The Emperor looked down at his determined Empress and sighed.

"Have it your way." He muttered, taking his length into his hand and stroking it gently as he stared down at the sexy form sprawled next to him. He grunted and breathed deeply, picturing the lovely young man's mouth wrapped about it.

"You aren't really..." Du Fen turned over and his eyes widened as he saw the sight of Jian Jun really taking matters into his own hands. His eyelashes trembled and his face flushed at the erotic spectacle of the man with his clothes tumbled about him and his cock shiny with precumm.

"Du Fen, my love, if you won't help me with it... then you will just have to watch me take care of it." His eyes stared down at his flustered wifey with dark passion.

"You...!" Du Fen wanted to be mad at the man, but his words were stopped by his own embarrassment.

"It's your fault I am like this... See what a pitiful husband you have made me... Hah..." He closed his eyes and tipped his head back. Just knowing his darling Du Fen was watching him was indescribably stimulating for him.

Du Fen hesitated, part of him twitching with the heavy atmosphere in the room and feeling his own veins heat up with the pleasurable sight. He gulped, staring at that cloudy substance that pearled on the tip of the little emperor with remembered greed.

Jian Jun supressed his grin as he heard the shuffling covers and clothes nearby. A warm breath blew over him before his head was covered with a wet cavern and Du Fen sucked gently on the tip of him. He gasped and clenched his bracing hand on the sheets to keep from bucking.

"Ah Fen... my sweet Ah Fen..." He moaned as his beloved bobbed over him delicately. "Let me pleasure you too." Jian Jun shifted so he was laying flat and pulled Du Fen to straddle his chest.

The boy's rod hung in front of him and the lovely little pucker twitched as he spread the cheeks open. He licked up the length, over the hanging sac and pale balls, then up to his crack in one long strip. His tongue teased the opening as his hand worked up and down over his front.

Du Fen moaned around the head in his mouth, relaxing over it and taking it deeper into his throat in delirium. His humm of pleasure vibrated down his lover and Jian Jun reflexively jerked his hips, making the boy choke.

He soothed the young man with strokes inside his softening hole that shocked him with the waves of pleasure and heat that flowed through his body. Jian Jun lapped at the dripping juices that flowed suddenly to lubricate the pulsing hole.

"Ju Ju... I want you inside..." Du Fen whined almost incomprehensively with his mouth dripping with saliva and precumm juices. His eyes were damp with tears as he looked back at his lover and begged him. "Please Jian Jun?"

Jian Jun shifted them, so Du Fen sat on his lap, his length pressed close to the twitching hole and his hard body pressed against his back. He held him up close, kissing his neck and hands still stimulating his front.

"It is right beneath you, my love. If you want it... all you have to do is take it." He whispered into the delicate shell of his ear. His hand dipped below them and stroked the tip over the dripping opening teasingly. Du Fen panted and bent his knees to sink down on it.

"So hot..." He breathed, his eyes closing as the rod filled him up inside with its iron like heat. Jian Jun moved back to pump his front in time with his hips.

"That's it, sweetheart. Take it for yourself. It's all yours." He encouraged the lad, watching with slitted eyes as the sweat built and his lover's cheeks became reddened with passion.

"Harder... I want..." Du Fen panted and clutched at Jian Jun's trunk like thighs, wishing he was stronger that he could manage to thrust faster. His legs felt too weak though when that thing was inside him, sapping all his willpower and strength.

"Alright my love. Hold on." His rumbling voice promised a second before Du Fen was tilted forward onto his hands and knees. Then a roughened pace rattled such cries from his mouth as the man pounded into him from behind.

It rubbed all the wonderful places that had Du Fen shuddering and shouting from the stimulation. His senses heightened, his breathing laboured, and he shot helplessly from the wracking passion that flooded his body.

It did not take long after for Jian Jun to pour his own essence deep inside his secret places, and he shuddered again from the sensation. His body fell limp and boneless on the bed as his lover tightly held him after.

"Ah Fen... I love you so much Ah Fen." The Emperor whispered over and over to the tired young man in his arms. Du Fen rolled his eyes and smacked the man's shoulder without malice.

"I love you too, stupid Emperor. Now go to sleep. I'm tired." He closed his eyes and fell asleep in moments. Jian Jun smiled down at him and stroked his hair away from his face.

"Sleep, My Empress." He kissed the side of his face gently and stared down for many minutes before he could finally sleep himself.


"Your mother told me to pack our bags? What is going on?" Prince Ling Min stood in the doorway to the General's office and scowled at him. His husband was calm and finished writing on his scroll before giving his wife all his attention.

"It's fine, Min, we are just going to see my grandmother to give our respects and get blessings. It is a beautiful little town to visit and will give you a chance to relax for a few months. We have been very busy as of late." General Yu said with a placating tone.

"Ai ya, she should have just said. Here I was thinking we are running away from something. Such a rush." Prince Ling Min replied with a dramatic sigh. General Yu laughed at that.

"What? There were no angry mobs at our wedding. It was somewhat anticlimactic, I think. The guards were hoping for some fool to piss me off so they could watch me toss them." He joked with his wife.

"Yes yes, my big strong General would come to my defense to save me." He rolled his eyes and came over to his side, where he was pulled onto his strong thigh with a steady arm wrapped around him tightly. Ling Min was surprised by the suddenness and his knees gave out.

"Every time. Don't you forget it." General Yu said with a serious tone, pressing their foreheads together and smiling gently at him. They spent a moment just staring at the other, taking in the features of their cherished person.

"Is your grandmother scary like mine was?" Prince Ling Min asked out of the blue. General Yu chuckled and patted his head.

"Relax, I am sure you will get along just fine."

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