Chapter 23

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For ten days the Lord Du was trapped inside the office of the Rose Pavilion. No less than ten teachers came to stand over him and drill facts and rules into his poor brain. Each one that the Empress Mother sent would look at him with distain in their eyes.

The Teacher for Consort Etiquette was the worst. He berated the Lord Du Fen for wearing men's robes! He went on about being delicate and feminine for the Emperor. He said that it was required for the Emperor to feel at peace and masculine.

Du Fen had to suppress his desire to roll his eyes. If the Emperor wanted him to wear women's robes, he would have sent him women's robes. If the Emperor needed to feel masculine, then nothing he did or said would help with that. That was the Emperor's business!

The Teacher kept going on and on about how Ger were like women and should act as such. He was compared to at least ten court women and Ger, who the Empress Mother had personally picked out as suitable, and reprimanded to be more like them.

Du Fen was tired. He was annoyed. Most of all, he was sad that the relationship with the Empress was sure to be strained. She was worse than his own mother for pushing the femininity crap his way, and if she wasn't of higher station then he would have done something about it.

Instead he endured the sharp tongues and glaring eyes as best he could. It wore him thin, however, and he found himself not able to feel calm at all. When he was finally taken out of doors, it was 'to observe proper behaviour' in the main courtyard out front.

He was dragged to stand there and watch the courtiers parade about in their fancy gowns and made up faces. It was stupid. He was a man, and there was no way he was going to let anyone dress him up like these women, nor make him act like them.

He was so preoccupied with ignoring his teacher, the women and Ger, and generally daydreaming to avoid the lecture, that he failed to notice the small crowd of Lord Ministers that followed the Emperor across the courtyard from the Court room hall, and came close to where they were standing.

"What are you doing? Kneel before the Emperor." The Teacher pulled his arm down with a strong jerk and Du Fen fell onto his knees with force. He cried out in pain, sure his knees would bruise from the impact.

The Emperor looked over at the sound of what seemed to be Du Fen crying out. He saw the boy on his knees with tears forming in his eyes. His eyes widened fractionally, and he walked away from the man who was speaking to him in order to make sure Du Fen was alright.

"What has happened here?" He asked with a cold voice. The teacher next to Du Fen shivered in fear and began speaking before Du fen had a chance.

"This Humble Servant greatly apologizes for his student's rude behaviour, Your Imperial Majesty. He was not kneeling in your presence, so I have corrected him." He bowed graciously before him with a smarmy smile. He then frowned at Du Fen and barked loudly. "Apologize!"

"My apologies, Your Imperial Majesty. I did not kneel, and then I interrupted with my shout." Du Fen bowed his head obediently with the tears in his eyes, his head was full of his own pain and not even thinking before opening his mouth.

The water made tracks down his face as he felt his pain keenly, wanting to shrink into the ground. This day had just been full of embarrassment and pain for him. He hated all the eyes that were on him now.

"Tsk. Lord Du, have you forgotten everything We told you?" The Emperor narrowed his eyes at the boy. He held out a hand and lifted him to his feet carefully before everyone. Du Fen looked up at him in surprise.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty..." He looked confused at the man then, wracking his brain for what he forgot.

"We told you not to let anyone tell you to kneel for them. If We wanted you to kneel, We would ask you Ourselves." He waved his Head Eunuch over with a finger flick.

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