Chapter 30

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Du Fen was weeping, and it was all the Emperor's fault. The man in question was actually grinning, and before Du Father and Mother could get angry about that, they were informed of the reason why.

"I'm too young to be a mother!" Wailed Du Fen while the beaming Emperor Jian Jun held him carefully in his arms. Du Father's and Mother's eyes opened wide in disbelief, but then they counted the days that had passed from the wedding.

"Ah! It's been four days!" Du Mother said with a shocked look at the Emperor as he sat in their sitting room with her son bawling in his lap.

"Yes, Mother-in-law." He said proudly with a hand stroking his bride's head comfortingly and a loving gaze looking down upon him.

"Does that mean..." Du Father asked hesitantly, not wanting to say the words out loud and incite his son's tears more.

"We are pregnant." Jian Jun said proudly. Du Fen suddenly sat up and smacked him on the chest, eliciting a grunt.

"What WE? You beast! This great devil wouldn't let me be. Now I... I... I'm infected." He pouted with a trembling lip and Jian Jun couldn't help but kiss it for his cuteness.

"Hush now my sweet. I am so happy right now. Your heat is over and you are bringing me the greatest gift to man. I love you so much, and I won't let anything happen to you. Now let's have a nice visit with your parents." He coaxed the boy with gentle words and soft kisses.

Du Fen hiccupped a few times and Jian Jun rested his lover's head on his shoulder. Both parents noticed that despite the boy's protests, he leaned into the Emperor's arms and touch. They shared a knowing glance, as although he railed abuse at the man... he snuggled into the side of him rather than pull away.

"We are both very happy for you. If you like, Du Fen, your mother can stay to help you through this. Would you like that?" Du Father offered. Du Fen sniffed his red little nose and nodded sheepishly.

"Good. It is settled. I will stay with you for the next year to help you get accustomed. Don't worry Ah Fen, you are strong and healthy. It will be alright." Du Mother reassured him. He nodded, now feeling a little silly for carrying on.

Du Fen looked up at the Emperor, who held him close even in his parent's company. His eyes were gentle and loving, his touches were soft and careful. He was everything a husband should be, and did not seem to care about his title of Emperor just now.

"Are you... are you really happy?" He managed to choke out with his teary eyes and trembling lip. Jian Jun stroked his face tenderly.

"Ah Fen, I am so happy. More because it is with you than anything else." He said in a whisper to the boy. Du Fen felt his heart ease a little and he gulped.

"You won't throw me away when I get fat?" His lip trembled at the last bit and he looked down. Jian Jun raised his chin back up.

"Never. You will still be the most beautiful boy I ever saw in my life." He assured him.

Du Father and Mother were starting to regret them coming over to visit. So much regrettable newlywed dogfood*! Should have stayed home if they were going to act like this. Even the serving staff couldn't look at them.

(*PDA, lovey-dovey atmosphere slang)

General Yu was standing with disbelief at the front entry as a procession was stopped in front of the gates of the ancestral home of the Yu family. There were guards befitting the royal family, courtiers and servants, and a cart full of gifts piled in behind a magnificent carriage holding a ceremonially dressed second prince.

"Gods Ling Min, what on earth are you doing?" The General muttered under his breath as he walked forward to take the man's hand and escort him in.

"Hmm? My Imperial Brother is busy, and his Imperial Mother is sent to exile now, so I am bringing the betrothal gifts to your parents to initiate talks for our wedding." He said with casually elegant air.

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