Chapter 22

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Before dinner Du Fen was instructed to go to meet his husband-to-be's Imperial Mother and some family. They would gather before the meal at times to converse, and he was supposed to greet them formally while they did so. It made him nervous to think he would meet them so soon.

Therefore, in preparation he had a nap while the household was moving in. He bathed the dirt and sweat of the road from himself, and put on his fanciest new robes aside from his wedding attire. He had his hair combed and put up in his family's special headpiece.

His robes were a rich auburn brown with gold stitching on them, not as bright as the royal gold robes that many of the Imperial family favoured, but very complimentary to them. The fact that they also made his eyes look like two rich pieces of polished gold was just a side benefit.

The cut was definitely that of a high noble, and the craftsmanship second to only the Emperor's robes. He didn't want his future in-laws to think that he was poor or unimportant just by the robes he chose to wear.

Jian Jun had told him that there was no person above him but these family members that he was meeting, so he knew that first impressions were going to be important. He went over in his head all the etiquette that his mother had taught him before going to the Peony Pavilion.

The Head Eunuch for the Empress Mother came to bring him over, and he noted that the palace they were approaching was also close to the Emperor's, and very exquisitely decorated. Many eyes followed his progress with his appointed personal servants.

In the garden, a very beautiful older woman sat with half a dozen men and a dozen women about her. The matriarch watched him come in with sharp eyes and stone face. If she did not blink, he might think she were an intricately carved statue.

He bowed to her, recalling his mother who said that one must speak second always with permission to those of higher station. He smiled mildly and waited patiently for his future-mother-in-law to recognise him to speak. She waited for a touch longer than was polite, but he didn't raise a brow.

"We see our son's bride-to-be has come to us. Go ahead." She said in a flat voice. Everyone was staring at him, and he tried to keep calm.

"I am honoured to meet my Most Esteemed Imperial Empress and future mother. Hoping for long life and happiness for her person. Pleased to have you guide this servant." He bowed again and then was forced to wait for her to look him over.

"We are pleased to meet one Lord Du Fen. We will graciously send you teachers to help instruct you on proper etiquette in the palace. You must strive to be worthy of my son, your Emperor." Her eyes narrowed as though what she found were lacking.

"O-of course, Imperial Empress Mother. I will learn well and strive to be worthy always." He managed to get out under the hard eyes of all those present. She flicked her hand, and he was removed from the garden.

He was a little shocked that he was not invited to stay and chat, nor was he regarded very well by those present. It was a bit disheartening. He hoped that he might get along with the Emperor's mother, but that might not be the case.

Now he felt like he was overdressed and had nowhere to go. His head was in the clouds as he went back towards his palace, and therefore hardly noticed as the Emperor approached from the other direction.

It was only when they were nearly upon each other that he started and came out of his thoughts. He saw the slight confusion on the Emperor's face, and his glance over to where they came from, before the man's face became impassive again.

"We are surprised, Lord Du. Did you not go to see Our Imperial Mother?" He asked briefly. Du Fen nodded and replied.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. I have seen your mother the Empress just now, and given her my compliments." He gulped at the memory of his reception and could not help a sad smile as he bowed.

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