Chapter 9

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"Oh, sorry. Did you like these?" Du Fen asked with an innocent look and flakes of cookie on his lip. He offered the Emperor one of the honey sticks. The man just grinned at him and shook his head.

"We do like them, but you may go ahead." He watched with amusement as another stick was chomped away on and more flakes stuck onto those dusky rose lips.

"The ones here are really good. They are made with wildflower honey and fresh pastry." He told him, trying to lick some of the sticky mess off with his tongue. Although the boy did it unconsciously, the Emperor could not help but think it was lucky they were not in company.

The Emperor kept an impassive face as he watched his bride flick out his tongue and slick his lips until they shone wetly. Indeed, he was both relieved and frustrated to find that... his little emperor was very pleased with the match it would seem.

He shifted in his seat, reached over and handed the Ger a napkin to wipe his mouth. The boy thanked him and scrubbed his lips with it before putting it down. This did not help his situation, as now those lips were reddened and slightly swollen.

As the Emperor sat in quiet contemplation and tried to talk his little emperor out of his current predicament... Du Fen sat and avoided looking at his husband to be in the eyes so that he might not get flustered. Neither seemed to notice the awkward silence that had descended between them.

When Mother Du showed up to tell them that everything was packed, she was kind of worried at the predicament she came upon. Did the two of them not like each other? Oh dear! What should she do if things didn't work between them?

"Pardon, Your Majesty. The caravan is all packed with my son's things. You may leave whenever Your Majesty wishes." She bowed once approaching and having both sets of eyes on her. Her son looked relieved, and the Emperor looked... she wasn't sure.

"Thank you, Du Mother. We will leave after another cup of tea." The Emperor said imperiously. Neither mother nor son noticed the imperceptible shift he made when looking at the young Ger next to him expectantly.

"Y-yes, Your Majesty." Du Fen stuttered to reply. He set to making another cup of tea, very carefully. Once done and handed over, the Emperor sipped it and sighed with satisfaction.

"Your son is very good at making tea. Our compliments to Du Mother for his education." The Emperor said with a gracious smile. Mother Du nodded her acceptance with relief.

"Thanking Your Majesty for his compliment. Du Fen is very studious and hard working at all that he decided to do." She said with a glance at her son. That same son that was not looking at His Majesty and smiling, but looking away from both of them and trying to supress his blushes.

"That is a very diplomatic answer, Du Mother." The Emperor chuckled. Du Fen looked at his mother then with a bit of a sulky look.

"Ah, His Majesty is right. Does that mean I am not studious and hard working for all that I decided not to do?" He asked petulantly. The Emperor was surprised he would say such a thing in front of him, and so was his mother. She sighed and smacked his arm.

"Ah Fen, you know mother loves you and wants to say nice things in front of your groom. Why do you make it sound like she is not? Stupid son!" She complained.

"Ma, I'm already marrying His Majesty. Just don't say anything and it's fine, eh? He can see for himself once we are hitched." Du Fen said with an eye roll. The Emperor grinned at the antics between the two of them.

Now that he was distracted enough, he was able to rise from the table and suggest they depart. Du Mother walked them both from the garden to the caravan's of things to take with, and a rather nice carriage for Du Fen to travel in.

"But Ma, I wanted to ride a horse." Du Fen complained while pointing to the carriage. Both of his parents frowned and shook their heads.

"No. Bride must travel by coach and be protected on the journey." They said adamantly. Du Fen pouted as he got into the carriage and then looked in surprise as the Emperor got in with him.

"We will travel together." He told the youth. Du Fen bit his tongue on what he was going to say and just blushed as he looked out the window. The Emperor grinned to himself and the journey back to the Imperial Palace began.

Du parents looked at each other in alarm as the carriage pulled out. "But... he is unmarried Ger?"


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