Chapter 37

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"What is that?" Prince Ling Min stared at General Yu with wide eyes. The man was holding a bundle in his arms and looking very uncomfortable.

"Granny handed it to me. Here. You take it." He tried to give the bundle to his wife who backed away with a look of horror.

"Me? Why me? She gave it to you, so you can keep it." He waved his arms and tried to avoid his husband from handing him the thing. The bundle shifted with the moment and made a noise. Both of the men stopped and looked at it carefully.

"Don't be difficult. You will wake it up. Here now, you are the wife so you should look after it." He tried again to convince his wife to take the bundle, but Prince Ling Min was shaking his head vigorously.

"No no, I haven't a clue what to do with it. You are already holding it so just keep it. I will watch you and help if it is needed." He insisted with a nimble dodge to the side. His face showed an awkward awe at the fact the general had not yet woken the thing up.

He backed up to the door and glanced over to notice that Granny Yu was standing in the doorway watching them. She gave him a raised brow and he smiled embarrassed. She rolled her eyes and pointed at the bundle.

"This is yours now. You better learn how to raise it well or I take you both out of the family register." She threatened them. Prince Ling Min paled and stared at the bundle.

"But... how is this ours? Father Yu said we would raise a cousin... but I thought it would be in a few years?" He fumbled while pointing at the little thing in General Yu's arms. She snorted and smacked his arm.

"Few years? You wish. Zhi Zhi's cousin already gave birth but the mother didn't make it. Father is a louse. Might as well give it to you losers." She turned around on her heel and left them to stare at each other in consternation.

"Was that a compliment or an insult?" General Yu murmured to himself. Prince Ling Min shook his head.

"Not the point General. Point is that we now have to figure out how to raise a baby! Ai ya.... I am too young to be a father." He groaned. Yu Zhi looked at him fiercely.

"What father? You are its mother." He said sternly. Prince Ling Min scowled and shook his head.

"No way! I am the father." He insisted.

"You wish! You are the wife, so you are the mother." He said with a scowl.

"Can't be. I have a dick. Must be a father." Prince Ling Min said with a haughty look. General Yu stormed over, crowding him into the wall and the little bundle sat between them so he couldn't struggle without disturbing the thing.

"So, you need reminding whether or not I have a dick, my love?" The General asked with a dangerous tone of voice. Prince Ling Min's eyes widened, and he shook his head from side to side without a peep as he glanced at the bundle.

They stared at each other for a full minute, neither backing down and glancing at the sleeping thing between them. Why should he be the mother? It didn't make sense. Suppose it was just as hard for General to accept a "mother" role...

"Tell you what, you can be daddy and I will be father. Neither will be the mother. Okay?" Yu Zhi said with narrowed eyes. Prince Ling Min thought a minute and then nodded. This was logical.

"Fine. I really am too young to be a daddy though." His face was pouty as he looked at the thing that was sleeping soundly in his husband's arms at the moment. General Yu sighed.

"Yeah. Me too. We can figure it out though. We did promise." They looked at each other in sorrow and nodded sadly.

"Promise is a promise."

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