Chapter 38

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Mother Du and Mother Yu sat next to each other watching two mischievous children staring at one wide eyed baby. The fatter of the two reached out a chubby finger and poked at the squishy face of the baby, who looked at it with a startled expression.

"Don't poke the baby, Jian Jian." Mother Du said admonishingly. The fat child looked at her for a second before poking the squishy cheek again.

"Gran gran, is cute!" The other child said with a big smile.

"Yes, he is very cute Fang Bao. You said, your son still hasn't named him?" Mother Du turned to Mother Yu with a raised brow. She snorted in derision.

"No. That silly boy. We have been calling it Little Yu since he showed up. The baby will think it is the name after a while." She griped.

"Well. It's not a horrible name for the baby. He can get a grown name later. At least he is smart enough to respond to a name. Jian Jian never listened to his name at that age." Mother Du complained with a twisted smile. Shudder to think that the boy may be the next emperor.

"He still doesn't listen when you ask him. Reminds me of his father at that age. So headstrong." Mother Yu giggled behind her hand like a gossiping teenager. Mother Du smiled in relief and nodded.

"Well, like his mother then too. Both are very strong so it should be a good leader in the future. Although, Fang Bao is more domineering... I can see his future husband will not have it easy." She commented. The little Ger looked at her with a sly smile.

"Gran gran... okay, I keep cute?" The skinny child had pushed his fat brother out of the way and hovered over the baby, playing with the little waving fingers.

"No hunny, Little Yu has to go home later. You can play with him another day." She replied absently. Jian Jian looked at his brother with a pout, sitting on the floor. Fang Bao looked at the baby and ignored him.

"Not cute..." Jian Jian grumbled with a jealous look. The baby stole his playmate!

"Is the Emperor going into seclusion for the Empress' heat this time? The court was very busy preparing...." Mother Yu asked very quietly. Mother Du looked around and then nodded lightly to affirm.

"Yes, not sure if my Du Fen will be permitted medicine yet. He only has one heir after all." She added. Mother Yu nodded understandingly.

"Will the emperor take any concubines then? If your son doesn't wish to have others?" Mother Yu asked carefully. Mother Du shook her head.

"I don't think so... Du Fen wouldn't be happy. He makes lots of fuss about having children, but he loves them really. It has just been hard to accept that he was not born a male like his brothers. The Emperor is very good to him though, so he is adjusting now." She explained with a patient look.

"That is good." Mother Yu looked happy and relieved.


"Is it...?" Jian Jun looked at him steadily. Du Fen shifted awkwardly and wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead with a kerchief.

"Should be." He mumbled. He had felt steadily worse all day and sent word to his husband, but never thought the man would come running over so quickly. The serving staff and guards were still about and his eyes rolled to glance at them.

"I can dismiss them." Jian Jun said in a low voice. Du Fen hesitated, but really wanted to nod. He gulped, taking a sip of the water that sat in front of him. He was trying to stay calm, not give away his dilemma.

"Please do." He replied after setting down the cup. Jian Jun waved a hand and spoke to the head eunuch briefly in tones that could not be heard. The servant straightened and shooed out all the other people with a calmness and efficiency that Du Fen appreciated.

The doors slammed shut behind the last body and they both sighed in relief. Du Fen slumped a little and dabbed his forehead. Jian Jun poured him more water and stared with compassionate and slightly hot eyes.

"I thought you wouldn't be able to sit still... not interested anymore?" Du Fen griped with a whiny lilt to his voice. His husband grinned a little and shook his head.

"My wife complains that I am too eager, and now complains I am not eager enough? I promised to eat a little slower..." He teased the boy as he rose from his seat. Du Fen looked up in surprise.

"Ah? How is this considerate? I am suffering..." He pouted as he was lifted into the taller man's arms. His mouth was stopped short with a passionate kiss. The skin tingled and crawled with waves of heat at the remembered touches.

"My apologies dearest. I will take care of you right away. See what a good husband I am." Jian Jun carried him to bed, but fell back so Du Fen was looking down at him.

"This..." he hesitated and pushed himself a little upright, "how to...?"

"You are in control today my dearest. I am at your service." His husband purred, arching his hard little emperor into his stomach and tangling his hands into the folds of Du Fen's clothes to stroke him. The boy's eyes widened and his ears turned red.

"You..." he bit his lips and grasped the man's robes tightly.

"Come then love... all you desire is yours..." Jian Jun coaxed. He watched the boy's throat move and a bead of sweat trickled down his neck.

"I can't..." Du Fen struggled with himself. He wanted to let go but had held himself back for so long. Jian Jun licked his lip with a curling tongue, tasting and teasing him.

"You can. Take what you know you want. I am right here." He growled in a sexy undertone. Du Fen blinked his eyes and made a strange sound in his throat. Suddenly he fell upon his husband in a deep kiss, taking what he wanted like a starving man.

"You are a beast... you know that?" Du Fen said with a scowl and damp eyes as he looked down at his husband.

"Mhmm... yes... but so are you." Jian Jun replied with a grin.


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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