Chapter 19

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They had finished their meal leisurely while the tents were going up. It seemed they were almost done, but one of the guards came over to the Captain and whispered to him. They both glanced at the two who were sitting casually waiting. The Captain waved the man off and came over to the pair of them.

"Your Majesty, it seems someone has tampered with Lord Du's things while we were at the Lord Gong's residence." He decided not to hide the matter at all from the Emperor.

"What? How?" Jian Jun's eyebrows lowered menacingly and he looked at the Captain expectantly.

"Someone has cut up his tent and destroyed most of his sleeping gear. We would not have noticed until we reached our next campsite, as they cleverly folded everything to the inside." He sneered as he replied. The hatred that he was feeling for the Gong family increased.

The Emperor was caught between feeling somewhat pleased, and quite angry. He focused on his anger first. It was going to be the easier of the two to deal with that evening. He got up and turned to look back down the road at the residence where they had most recently been insulted.

"Burn it down. If Our bride has nowhere to sleep, then they shall not either." He intoned decisively. Du Fen stood up in alarm and grasped his sleeve.

"Your Majesty! There are innocent children there. They do not deserve such punishment. What if they cannot get out?" He was worried at the decree, wondering if the little ones would be able to escape the flames. The Emperor looked down at him with a doting look.

"Relax, my dear. They will be warned. My men will start with the outer buildings and they will have plenty of time." Jian Jun told him, patting his hand. Du Fen was conflicted. He was happy that his husband-to-be avenged him, but did not really like the idea of burning down others' homes.

"It is a reality of war and ruling, Lord Du. If he does not punish the Gong family for their actions, then others will think they may do the same without incurring his wrath." The Captain saw the boy's hesitance and sought to teach him.

"I know... I trust... that the Emperor knows what he is doing." Du Fen finally said. He looked up at the man he was going to marry, and was embarrassed to see him staring back with a pleased face.

"Good. You can trust me, Du Fen. Go and take care of it, Captain." He did not look away from his bride while he said the last. The Captain bowed and went to get a few of the best men gathered to carry out the order. They seemed to be a little more eager than was seemly, but set off with a leisurely pace.

"What shall I do for tonight? Maybe I can borrow..." Du Fen scrunched his brow at the thought of sleeping on another man's bedding, even for one night. Jian Jun's face darkened and he made a decision immediately.

"Would you be alright sharing with me? I have promised not to do anything without your permission, and I would feel more comfortable if you didn't sleep on another man's bed." Jian Jun squeezed his hand gently and Du Fen realised they had been holding hands the whole time. He blushed and gulped.

"I... we... should we do that before we are married? I'm not sure what..." He stammered his response with nervousness.

"It is alright, Du Fen. I am the Emperor. If I say it is alright, there is no one who can say otherwise." He grinned at him mischievously. Du Fen rolled his eyes at him and grinned back with a warm feeling.

"Ah, then if the Emperor says it is alright... I won't be too polite." He said modestly. He let the man lead him over to the tent already set up, looking to the side where his tent lay. It was in tatters, brutal slashes running along the sides and roof fabric with jagged edges. His mother had it made for his wedding journey specially, and he frowned at the loss.

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