Chapter 14

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Du Fen's eyes were red from crying. His nose felt stuffed and his face was hot with fever. The Emperor still thought he looked lovely though. His tent was up, his bedding laid out, and Jian Jun had a bowl of cold water to dip cloths in next to him.

He was gently dabbing the boy's face and neck trying to cool him down. The Captain had not yet returned with news, and the sun was starting to dip below the horizon. Dinner had been cold foods so that the boy would feel cooler.

"I'm sorry, Du Fen. I don't know enough to help you more." The Emperor admitted regretfully. The boy looked up at him pitifully and reached to pat his hand.

"It's alright. There is not a lot you can do." He acknowledged sadly. He looked away listlessly and begrudged his stupid physiology for making this happen in the first place.

"Will you be able to bear it?" Jian Jun asked softly. His look of worry made the young Ger feel warm in his heart, in a good way.

"It has been awhile since I have had to without my medicines. If it gets bad, then I may have to ask you to leave." He looked embarrassed and gulped at the thought. Jian Jun nodded and smiled encouragingly.

"Let's hope the Captain can find what you need." He said consolingly.

"I can't find it." The voice came from the opening flaps of the tent and they both looked over with a frown.

"There's no town close by? Nothing you can find?" The Emperor asked quickly. The Captain shook his head.

"The closest farmstead was two hours away. They had no Gers there and said the closest town with the herbs he needs is two days at a hard ride, the wrong way." He explained.

"They will be useless at that point. Thank you for trying, Captain. You should go now and have your dinner." Du Fen said dismissively with an exhausted voice. The Captain nodded and left without any further chatting.

"I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?" Jian Jun said as he wiped his brow with a fresh cloth. Du Fen felt the panic rising in his throat, but tried his best to act brave.

"I'll be alright. Really." He grabbed a cup with water and took big gulps of the cool liquid. It did not feel like it even scratched the surface of his thirst. He was hot. Too hot. It was making him lose his reason.

He needed to cool down more. He threw aside his pride and began to quickly remove his outer robes. Jian Jun looked on with some alarm as the boy yanked the fabric off and threw it to the side with relief.

He was now in nothing but a thin set of underclothes, and his husband-to-be's eyes darkened when they spied the dusky shadow of his brazen nipples showing through the delicate cotton. They rose and fell somewhat rapidly at the breathing of their owner.

Their eyes clashed. One heated from the rising fever of his heat, and the other heated from desire by simply looking at him. Du Fen gulped at the passion that was stirring in Jian Jun's eyes. If he was honest with himself, he would say that it stirred his own.

He was not. He blamed the heat for the way his rod stiffened and his buds perked as he shifted. He moaned low in his throat and closed his eyes, willing the feelings to leave him be. It had been ages since he was unable to take his heat reducing herbs in enough time.

His blood pounded in his ears and his body screamed out for someone to take him. He panted and rutted himself on the pallet, oblivious to the sharp eyes that watched him. He felt his chrysanthemum drip with the Gers' sweet honey.

The air was thick inside the tent with the scent of it. Jian Jun ran his fingers through the boy's hair and gulped at the wanton moan that followed the action. His arm was gripped suddenly and with such strength as surprised him.

"Do something... hah... or get out." The boy growled at him, his eyes wet with unshed tears and delirious with passion. The Emperor was already drunk on the aroma that swirled about him.

He fell forward and pressed his lips to Du Fen's. They both moaned at the contact, and Jian Jun slipped his tongue inside to savour every corner of the sweet mouth beneath his. The boy tasted delicate and honeyed.

Du Fen felt each brush of the older man's body against his like electricity running through his veins. He whimpered when the heavy feeling of his future husband pressing him into the pallet overwhelmed his senses.

Their body's strangely fit together, lips against lips, waist pressed to waist. Jian Jun rolled his hips down onto Du Fen's and watched the boy's eyes roll from the intense sensation. His hands wandered the softer curves of the Ger's hips with wonder at how they were hidden beneath the manly robes he wore.

Du Fen suddenly stiffened as a hand drifted down his front and grasped at his rod through his underclothes. He gasped as the hand rubbed through the thin fabric and stimulated his stiffness until he wanted to scream.

When he let go his seed, he did shout, only for it to be swallowed in a kiss from the man above him. His passion was not sated. He wanted more. He felt so empty. Like he had a hollow space inside that was begging to be filled.

"More... what... I need... Ah..." His panting breaths let incoherent thoughts drift from his lips between kisses. Jian Jun pressed his luck when he slipped his hand down inside the lad's pants and stoked his finger down the wet crack.

"Gods you are so beautiful. I can't wait to fill you to bursting with my seed." The murmured words filtered through Du Fen's delirium like a shocking spray of cold water. He could feel the man's fingers stroking his entrance reverently before dipping a strong finger inside.

"Eh? Eh!? I agreed to marry you. I didn't say anything about letting you breed me!" Du Fen suddenly shouted in surprise. He shoved the man on top of him, yanking the hand from his pants and making him fall to the ground with a thud.

"What? Of course I am going to breed you. That is part of the rites of marriage." The Emperor said in confusion. What the boy said just now made no sense.

"Well we are not married yet! Get out! Get OUT!" Du Fen raged at the man on the ground, huffing and sweating with the effort not to pin the man to the ground and rut on top of him until his heat abated. "Fuck!"

Jian Jun's eyes widened and he scrambled up and out of the tent when Du Fen finally resorted to grabbing his sword from the other side of him and brandishing it threateningly.

Much to the amusement of the Captain just outside.


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