Chapter 17

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"There will be a banquet in your honour, Your Imperial Majesty. Please allow this humble lord to show you to our main house for dinner." The fat Lord Gong was smiling at his majesty the Emperor with an ingratiating look.

Du Fen was nervously sitting in the room with the man after he dressed himself following his bath. He had been shooting sideways glances at the Emperor since he had come into the room after his own bath.

"A moment more, Lord Gong. We are not finished combing Our hair." The Emperor told him as the Shadow Guard behind him ran the toothed comb to untangle the sheet of hair upon his back.

Another of the Shadow Guards had been helping Du Fen with his long hair as well, and they were just finishing with putting his hair back in a half bun on his head. The beautiful phoenix was sat upon it as a finishing touch.

The Emperor snuck a glance at the youth when he was distracted. He was glad that he had insisted on taking the boy his clothes personally. Only by chance had he not spoken out to announce his presence when he entered.

His mind drifted to the glorious sight that had met his gaze. He was sure it would haunt his dreams for many nights to come. His beautiful wifey had been so incredibly tempting as he stood in his bath.

The wet curtain of his hair had partially hidden that strong back and sumptuous backside, but the lithe figure that had pleasured himself was imprinted on his thoughts like a temptress. If not for the breathy calling of his name that had jostled him from his stupor, he might have been caught peeping on his bathing bride-to-be.

Internally he shivered as he remembered it. It was a good thought to him, knowing his wifey truly desired him. Even if the boy did not admit it. He smiled faintly and then got up from his seat, finished with his hair.

He wore his dragon robes that evening, as there was no point going incognito. He wasn't one to be hiding from one of his own minister's relatives, or pretending a humility he didn't possess.

"I have made all of our family's best recipes tonight for Your Imperial Majesty. Please take the seat of honour at the master's table." Lord Gong led him into the banquet room.

There was a table set aside for their guards, who were not men of low station themselves. When the jiggling man moved to sit next to the Emperor, however, the Emperor moved to stop him with not so little internal alarm.

"That seat is for Our bride-to-be." He told the man in no uncertain terms. The Lord stopped in surprise, and looked at the Lord Du next to him warily. There was obviously a seat for the Ger at the head mistress' table, with fine table settings and both of the Lord's wives waiting patiently.

"I... I thought to seat him with the ladies... Your Imperial Majesty. So that the menfolk can talk." He bowed awkwardly as Du Fen narrowed his eyes at him.

"You thought incorrectly. We prefer him to be seated with Us." The Emperor motioned for Du Fen to sit. He bowed slightly and did as he was bid, sitting next to his majesty at the small head table.

Lord Gong's face froze and he bowed and turned to sit with his own wives at the next table over instead. His head kept turning to look at them though, and he rose his voice to speak to the Emperor instead of conversing with his table.

"My daughters and their cousins will be serving you tonight. They are all very accomplished young ladies, Your Imperial Majesty. I would have them perform for you also. My eldest shall be dancing to start." The man told him as serving dishes of food began to be brought out from the kitchens.

"Your meal, Your Imperial Majesty." A rather buxom young lady smiled at him and set dishes upon the table. "Shall I serve you?"

"Tsk." Du Fen shook his head and then proceeded to sample each dish that was placed on the table, much to the alarm of the young woman.

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